Courses / MA / Introduction to Fencing

Introduction to Fencing

Study DC:
MA 13B

Thrust Passive

You learn a deadly one-handed fighting style.

While fencing, you deal extra damage with your one-handed melee weapon.
While fencing, your one-handed melee weapon gets any damage bonuses which normally only apply to heavy weapons.

Wielding only one one-handed melee weapon, no other weapons, and no shield, while you have a free hand (holding neither weapon nor shield nor object, though it may be grabbing a creature).

Tags: Style, Damage

Lunge and Retreat Passive

You are practiced at the dance of blades.
You move faster, gaining Speed +10 ft., and +2 effort on extended tests of Agility.

Tags: Mobility

Fancy Footwork Passive

When you attack an enemy with a melee weapon, you disengage from that enemy
(you are not engaged by them and do not provoke attacks of opportunity from that enemy for the rest of the turn).

Tags: Mobility, Disengage, Melee, Attack

Name Effort Requires Description
Thrust 1 10 While fencing:
+1 damage with your one-handed melee weapon
Thrust 2 10 Thrust 1 While fencing:
+2 damage with your one-handed melee weapon
Thrust 3 10 Thrust 2 While fencing:
+3 damage with your one-handed melee weapon
Weapon Focus 0 Thrust 1 While fencing:
Your one-handed melee weapon gets damage bonuses which apply to heavy weapons.
Lunge and Retreat 5 Thrust 2 Speed +10 ft.
+2 effort on extended tests of Agility.
Fancy Footwork 0 Lunge and Retreat When you attack an enemy with a melee weapon, you disengage from that enemy.