Courses / MA / Perfect Fatality

Perfect Fatality

Study DC:
MA 422

Perfect Fatality Passive

You deal more damage with critical hits with weapons.

Extra Damage on a Critical Hit:
Dice of “damage on critical hits” are not doubled.

Tags: Crit, Damage

“One hit is all I’ll need.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Crit Damage +1 7 +1 damage on critical hits with weapons
Crit Damage +2 7 Crit Damage +1 +2 damage on critical hits with weapons
Crit Damage +3 7 Crit Damage +2 +3 damage on critical hits with weapons
Crit Damage +4 7 Crit Damage +3 +4 damage on critical hits with weapons
Crit Damage +5 7 Crit Damage +4 +5 damage on critical hits with weapons
Extra Credit
Brutal d4
Effort: 10
Requires: Mastery
+1d4 damage on critical hits with weapons
if the weapon’s damage die is ≥ d4.
(Only use the largest die from these Brutal d Extra Credits, do not add them together.)
Brutal d6
Effort: 5
Requires: Brutal d4
+1d6 damage on critical hits with weapons
if the weapon’s damage die is ≥ d6.
Brutal d8
Effort: 5
Requires: Brutal d6
+1d8 damage on critical hits with weapons
if the weapon’s damage die is ≥ d8.
Brutal d10
Effort: 5
Requires: Brutal d8
+1d10 damage on critical hits with weapons
if the weapon’s damage die is ≥ d10.
Brutal d12
Effort: 5
Requires: Brutal d10
+1d12 damage with critical hits with weapons
if the weapon’s damage die is ≥ d12.
Effort: 200
Requires: Mastery, Restricted
Your critical hits no longer double damage dice.
Instead, for each damage die, add damage equal to the maximum amount that die could roll.
Next: Unerring