Courses / AR / Dispel


Required For:
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
AR 180

Dispel Spell

Long Range
Long Range spells have a range of 1,000 ft.
1,000 ft.
1 target

Try a test of dispelling to end one ongoing magical effect, such as a buff or debuff caused by a spell.

Roll = d20 + academics + Dispel bonus

The DC to dispel a spell is:

8 + 4 if the caster has mastered the spell + twice the spell’s level

Some casters may have additional bonuses to the DC to counter their spells.
Certain abilities such as Intensify can boost the level of a spell.

If you pass, that magical effect ends.
If you fail, that magical effect is still suppressed until the start of your next turn,
unless it is undispellable, level 5 or above, or a curse.

This does not work on most enchanted gear or most magical artifacts (Such effects typically take much longer to disenchant using artifice), or undispellable spells.
Summoned creatures which are not composed of magic generally cannot be destroyed or unsummoned by this spell, but the connection to their master and the control that master wields over them may be compromised.

Held Counterspell:
You may also hold your action to cast Dispel on a spell as it is being cast to try to counter it or instantly negate it. When you cast Dispel in this way, it has the same effect as Counterspell, but costs your action to use and uses your Dispel bonus instead of your Counterspell bonus. If you fail your attempt to counter the spell, you cannot normally cast Dispel again to try again since Dispel takes an action to cast.

Suggested Backfire: You make the magic stronger, or trigger it.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Long Range, Area, Anti-magic, Test

“Sometimes, it’s too late to counterspell. Sometimes, a spell slips through. Sometimes ... it’s dispel time!” - Arcanology for Dummies, 2nd Edition.

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 10 +0 to dispel
Dispel +1 5 Unlock +1 to dispel
Dispel +2 5 Dispel +1 +2 to dispel
Dispel +3 5 Dispel +2 +3 to dispel
Dispel +4 5 Dispel +3 +4 to dispel
Dispel +5 5 Dispel +4 +5 to dispel
Extra Credit
Dispel +7
Effort: 5
Requires: Dispel +5, Sophomore+
+7 to dispel
Dispel +9
Effort: 5
Requires: Dispel +7,Junior+
+9 to dispel
Dispel +11
Effort: 5
Requires: Dispel +9,Senior
+11 to dispel
Area Dispel
Effort: 15
Requires: Unlock
When you cast Dispel, you may cast it in a 30 ft. radius of a point you can see. You may try to dispel one magical effect on each target in that area.
Negation Barrage
Effort: 20
Requires: Unlock
When you cast Dispel against a single target, you may try to dispel each magical effect on a target, instead of just one.
However, you have disadvantage and -10 on Dispel rolls when using Negation Barrage, and if you fail the effect is not suppressed.
Effort: 15
Requires: Mastery
When you successfully Dispel a spell, you may spellburn 1 to make its caster unable to cast that spell again for the rest of the encounter.
Forcible Dismantling
Effort: 2
Requires: Unlock
You may apply your health modifier instead of your academics modifier to tests of Dispel.
Effort: 2
Requires: Unlock
You may apply your social modifier instead of your academics modifier to tests of Dispel.
Previous: Lock