Courses / AR / Blade Whirlwind

Blade Whirlwind

AR 231
Qualifies For:
Arcane Shell, Arcane Bubbles, Ghost Form (Partially), Mana Barrier (Partially), Flight (Partially)
Study DC:


You and a 5 ft. radius around you

Summon myriad blades, which orbit you at high speed.
These blades attack any creatures that spend any time adjacent to you, dealing physical damage if they hit, but only once per round to each creature.
These blades also deflect ranged attacks, giving rolls to hit you with ranged attacks disadvantage.
You can end this spell as a fast action.

Suggested Backfire: The blades spin out of control, and attack you once.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Self, Area, Trigger, Attack, Physical, Damage, Enchantment, Buff, AC, Wind

“A favorite of culinary students, nothing makes a smoothie quite like it.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 20 Ranged attacks have disadvantage against you
5 ft. radius
+8 to hit (with this spell)
1d4 damage
Damage 2d4 15 Unlock 2d4 damage
Extra Credit
Hit +10
Effort: 0
Requires: Unlock, Junior+
+10 to hit
Hit +12
Effort: 0
Requires: Hit +10, Senior+
+12 to hit
Effort: 5
Requires: Unlock
Choose an element when you learn this ability.
This spell can now deal damage of the chosen element instead of physical damage.
Decide whether to make this spell physical or elemental when casting it.
You may change the element of this spell when you cast it by passing a DC 20 test of Spellcraft.
Effort: 15
Requires: Elementality
You may choose to make this spell deal damage of any element or physical damage when you cast it.
You may change this spell’s damage type once on each of your turns.
Conjured Silver
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
The blades you conjure with this spell are silvered.
Knife Projection
Effort: 15
Requires: Mastery
While you are affected by this spell, you may minor spellburn 1 and spend your action to attack a target that is within 60 ft. of you with blades from this spell.
If the target is more than 30 ft. away, your attack has disadvantage.
Use the normal stats for this spell for this attack.