Courses / AR / Advanced Geometry

Advanced Geometry

AR 3M1
Study DC:

Advanced Geometry


You know how to shape spells precisely to your will.
This ability has a number of sub-abilities that allow you to alter your area spells.

Tags: Area, Metamagic



Whenever you cast an area spell, you may create a “safe zone” around any objects or creatures you want within that spell’s area, excluding them from the effects of the spell.



-5 DC penalty

Spread an area spell you cast out over an area about twice as large.

Your spell gets a -5 DC penalty.
Your spell’s area increases:
Areas which target a number of spaces double.
Beams are twice as wide or twice as long.
Cones double their angle (becoming semicircles), or become 50% longer, rounded down.
Radius and burst spells increase their radius or burst size by 50%, rounded down.
Cannot be used with Concentrate.




Concentrate the power of an area spell you cast in a small area.

Your spell deals additional damage equal to its normal damage.
However, its area is reduced:
Areas which target a number of spaces target half as many, rounded down.
Beams are half length.
Chaining distance is halved.
Cones are half length.
Radius spells have a 5 ft. radius.
Burst spells have a 5 ft. burst.
Cannot be used with Dilute.



Your mastery of shaping spells allows you to cause your spell areas to form incredibly detailed patterns, shapes, and advanced designs. Watching you cast an area spell is like watching a skilled painter.

You have advantage on tests of Expression that involve you casting an area spell.

“Fireballs are for the unimaginative. There are so many other shapes an inferno can take.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Precision 5 You may exclude things from being affected by your area spells effortlessly.
Dilute 10 You may take a -5 DC penalty to make your area spell cover an area about twice as large.
Concentrate 20 Dilute You may make your area spell smaller to make it deal more damage.
Flourish 0 Concentrate Advantage on tests of Expression involving an area spell.
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