Courses / AR / Spellcraft 4: Advanced Spellcraft

Spellcraft 4: Advanced Spellcraft

Qualifies For:
Study DC:
AR 400

Spellcraft 4: Advanced Spellcraft

Students of this course are expected to learn the techniques required to research and develop their own spells, and to develop a theoretical understanding of metamagical methods of altering existing spells in meaningful ways.

Spellcraft Mastery Skill

Bonus to pass and extra effort on tests of Spellcraft.

This bonus to tests of skill is a mastery bonus.
If you have more than one mastery bonus which applies to the same roll, use the best one.

Tags: Skill

Reliable (Spellcraft) Passive

Instead of rolling, you may take 10 on any test of Spellcraft that you do not have disadvantage on.

Intricate Spell Expertise Passive

You get:
+1 to the DC to Counterspell or Dispel your spells
+1 to tests of Dispel
+1 to tests of Counterspell

Transmute+ Spell

When an ability would deal elemental damage

Try a DC 25 test of Spellcraft to change the element of an ability that deals elemental damage to the element of your choice.
(This can affect abilities used by others.)

Name Effort Requires Description
Skill 1 5 +1 to Spellcraft
Skill 2 5 Skill 1 +2 to Spellcraft
Skill 3 5 Skill 2 +3 to Spellcraft
Effort 1 5 Effort +1 for Spellcraft
Reliable 10 Skill 3 You can use Reliable (Spellcraft)
Intricate Spell Expertise 5 +1 to the DC to counter or dispel your spells
+1 to Dispel
+1 to Counterspell
Extra Credit
Effort: 15
Requires: Mastery
You can use Transmute+
Effort: 8
Requires: Mastery
When you suffer catastrophic arcane failure, you may attempt a DC 30 test of Spellcraft to successfully cast your spell instead of it backfiring spectacularly. You still get incapacitated afterwards.
Origin Transfer
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
You may use an ally that you can see as the point of origin for your spells.
You must still be able to see or know the precise location of enemies to target them.