Courses / BI / Altered Beast

Altered Beast

BI 220
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Your Beast Form improves.

Tags: Beast, Utility

Name Effort Requires Description
Sea Creature 5 You may choose the following as your beast form perk:
Swimming does not cost you extra movement, you can breathe water, and +2d4 effort to extended tests of skill to swim.
Speed +20 10 You may choose the following as your beast form perk:
Speed +20 ft.
Climber 5 You may choose the following as your beast form perk:
Advantage on tests of skill to climb, climbing does not cost you extra movement, and +2d4 effort on extended tests of skill to climb.
Reach 5 You may choose the following as your beast form perk:
Your beast form has 10 ft. reach.
Extra Perk 10 You may choose one additional perk from the list when you shapeshift into a beast using Beast Within.
Previous: Venom Strike 2