Courses / BI / Beast Agility Training

Beast Agility Training

Study DC:
BI 254

Beast Agility Training Passive

Your pet beast has more speed, AC, and a bonus on tests of Agility.

Tags: Passive, Mobility, AC, Test, Agility

Name Effort Requires Description
Speed +5 5 Speed +5 ft.
+1 effort on extended tests of Agility.
Speed +10 5 Speed +5 Speed +10 ft.
+2 effort on extended tests of Agility.
AC +1 5 AC +1
AC +2 10 AC +1 AC +2
Agility 5 Your pet beast has advantage on tests of Agility.
Rush 5 Once per rest, when your pet beast dashes it may move 30 extra ft.
Extra Credit
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
While you are mounted, you may redirect any attack that targets your mount at yourself.
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
You have advantage on saves and tests of skill to avoid effects which would unmount you.
Ride By
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
When you attack a creature with a melee weapon while you are mounted, you and your mount both also disengage from that creature.
(Neither of you are engaged by that enemy and neither of you provoke attacks of opportunity from that enemy for the rest of the turn.)
For the Team!
Effort: 35
Requires: Mastery
When an ally adjacent to your pet beast would be hit, your pet may take the hit for them as a reaction.