Courses / BI / Beast Master

Beast Master

BI 151
Qualifies For:
Study DC:

Beast Master


You can talk to beasts.

Tags: Passive, Utility, Summon

Pet Beast


You get a pet beast.
The pet beast must be level 1 or lower, and must be of a common variety or of a type you have encountered.
It cannot be a beast marked as strong or a boss.

You normally control your pet beast’s actions during its turn.

If your pet beast dies, you may recruit another by spending a downtime slot.

Armored Pets:
You may equip your pet beast with armor that has been modified to be custom fitted for them.
If you do, your pet may use 10 + the armor’s AC bonus instead of its normal AC.
(Your pet’s normal AC includes any passive AC bonuses, but not bonuses from buffs such as Ward.)
Your pet may use the armor’s physical damage reduction instead of its physical damage reduction.
Your pet cannot bind to the armor, and unless someone is bound to the armor, all of its magical properties deactivate.

Bonuses to your weapon or spell damage do not apply to your pet beast.
Bonuses to your pet’s weapon or spell damage do apply to it.

Tags: Passive, Summon, Beast




You may spend your action to give your pet beast another action.

Tags: Action, Ability

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 20 You can understand beasts.
You can also communicate with them.
Animal Magnetism 15 Unlock You have advantage on social tests with beasts.
Pet Beast 0 Animal Magnetism You get a level 1 pet beast.
If your pet beast dies, you may recruit another by spending a downtime slot.
Sic! 0 Pet Beast You can use Sic!
Extra Credit
Hit +3
Effort: 0
Requires: Mastery, Sophomore+
Your pet beast gets +3 to hit, -1 per level of your pet.
Hit +5
Effort: 0
Requires: Hit +2, Junior+
Your pet beast gets +5 to hit, -1 per level of your pet.
Hit +7
Effort: 0
Requires: Hit +6, Senior+
Your pet beast gets +7 to hit, -1 per level of your pet.
Pet Workout
Effort: 0
Requires: Unlock
You may spend your downtime slots working out your pet beast. It permanently gains +1 max HP every time it successfully works out.
Treat your pet as if it has S grade health for these rolls.
Extra HP gained from doing this transfers between pets.
Previous: Geomancy