Courses / BI / Geomancy


BI 150
Study DC:


You learn spells to move and shape the earth.

Reshape Terrain

Spell (Undispellable)

An area in range: sight
-1d10 Control

Reshape the terrain around you.
You may make all spaces within the spell’s area into difficult terrain, or change spaces of difficult terrain within the spell’s area into normal terrain.

If the spaces a creature occupies are all turned into difficult terrain, it must pass a DC 12 health save, or fall prone.

This spell can do such things as turning solid ground into a quagmire, draining a swamp, raising jagged rocks, sprouting brambles from the ground, clearing the earth, or tilting the ground beneath a target’s feet slightly.

Tags: Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Mobility, Utility, Undispellable, Earth

Cover Tracks


Melee: touch
-1 Control
Until used or the caster rests, whichever comes first

The target gets advantage on their next test of Roguery to hide.

Casting this spell while hidden does not cause you to become unhidden.

Tags: Action, Spell, Melee, Enchantment, Buff, Test, Stealth, Subtle, Earth



The ground or a similar surface within a 300 ft. radius of you.
-1d10 Control
Health (reflex) save reduces
Until the start of your next turn

You must be touching the ground, or a surface connected to it, or a surface similar to the ground, such as a stone foundation, to cast this spell.
You cause a tremor in the earth around you, which lasts until the start of your next turn.
You may choose to only affect part of the target area.

Tremorsense does not work within the affected area.
All grounded targets within the affected area must pass a DC 12 health save, or fall prone.

Tags: Action, Spell, Melee, Area, Utility, Earth


Spell (Undispellable)

Up to 9 contiguous 5 ft. x 5 ft. x 5 ft. cubes in range: sight
-1 Control
Health (reflex) save allows affected targets to move

You can dig trenches and make hills or walls (This can be useful for providing cover, hiding places, obstructions, opening breaches, or creating traps).
You may shape a number of contiguous 5 ft. x 5 ft. x 5 ft. cubes of wood, dirt, stone, or other natural material when you cast this spell.
These spaces still must be contiguous, and you must be able to see the target spaces (this means you normally cannot make a hole deeper than 5 ft., or burrow more than 5 ft. with one casting of this spell).
You may remove the material from that space, creating holes or lowering the ground, or you may move material into that space, creating walls or pillars.
You may also create ramps or stairs.

If you attempt to raise or lower the ground where a creature is standing, they may move out of the way to the nearest accessible space that is not targeted by this spell if they pass a DC 10 health (reflex) save. If they fail, you may move them with the earth and have them fall prone.

If this spell would cause a creature to be enclosed or walled in on all sides with no escape route, that creature gets a DC 10 health save. If it passes, it may move up to its speed before this spell’s effects happen (this may provoke attacks of opportunity, as normal).

Tags: Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Mobility, Utility, Save, Undispellable, Earth

“Not only useful in sieges, but also for mining and crafting.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 10 You can cast Reshape Terrain.
1 space
Area 1 5 Unlock 3 x 3 space (15 ft. x 15 ft.) area, up to 5 ft. in height
Area 2 5 Area 1 5 x 5 space (25 ft. x 25 ft.) area, up to 5 ft. in height
Area 3 5 Area 2 7 x 7 space (35 ft. x 35 ft.) area, up to 5 ft. in height
You can cast Cover Tracks.
You can cast Earthshaker.
Thorny Terrain 5 Unlock You can create thorny difficult terrain with Reshape Terrain.
Creatures take 5 piercing damage for each 5 ft. of thorny terrain that they move through.
Landscape 5 Unlock You can cast Landscape targeting up to nine spaces.
Previous: Invoke Chaos