Courses / BI / Invoke Chaos

Invoke Chaos

Study DC:
BI 149

Invoke Chaos Spell

Whenever you cast a spell which costs control with 0 or less control.
Random, within ranged:sight

(This spell is not learned from a class, it happens when you lose control, and is included here for reference.)

When you lose control, the forces of nature do as they will.
Whenever you roll Control loss for a spell which costs Control and that roll reduces you to 0 control of below, you cast Invoke Chaos instead of your intended spell.
Whenever you try to cast a spell which costs Control while you have 0 or less control, you cast Invoke Chaos instead.

Roll a d100. Invoke Chaos has the effect listed for that number on THE CHAOS TABLE.
If the effect does not specify a target or choose one at random, flip a coin.
On heads, you choose the targets for this spell if there is a choice to be made.
On tails, the Headmaster chooses the targets.


1. Brush with Death. You are reduced to 0 HP.

2. Doom. You are reduced to 1 HP.

3. Wheel of Misfortune. Replace a single target’s next roll with a natural 1.

4. Wheel of Fortune. Replace a single target’s next roll with a natural 20.

5. Bolt from the Blue. A single target must pass a DC 30 health save or take 1d100 lightning damage.

6. Boltstorm. You and each creature within 300 ft of you each flip a coin. On heads, they are safe. On tails, they must pass a DC 30 health save or take 1d100 lightning damage.

7. Disjunction. All enchantments within 300 ft. of you are dispelled (or suppressed if they are extremely powerful), and the magical properties of all magic items within 300 ft. of you are suppressed for 1 round.

8. Hubris. The tide of wild magic rises. All creatures within 300 ft. of you have their control reduced to 0.

9. Conjunction. A single target gets an extra turn immediately after your turn.

10. Door. Until the end of the encounter, a single target may teleport up to 30 ft. as a fast action on each of their turns.

11. Scramble. You and all creatures within 300 ft. of you teleport a random distance in a random direction. Roll 1d8 for direction, and 1d6 for the distance in spaces.

12. Vanish. The targets turn invisible until they take a hostile action or rest.

13. Eye. A single target attracts the attention of a powerful creature appropriate to the environment, such as a dragon flying by. Whether it is friend or foe is up to chance.

14. Beast. 1d4 angry and hungry beasts pop into existence nearby. The Headmaster chooses the type.

15. Fog. A 300 ft. radius fog cloud appears, concealing all creatures in the area.

16. Rain. Heavy rains conceal all creatures from other creatures that are more than 5 ft. away from them for 1 hour. The ground becomes difficult terrain, as it first becomes slippery, then floods.

17. Deluge. You teleport a 300 ft. cube of salt water and the marine life therein from the sea to an area surrounding you and centered on you. All creatures in the area also gain water breathing for one hour.

18. Blizzard. Heavy snow conceals all creatures from other creatures that are more than 5 ft. away from them for 1 minute. Each creature must pass a DC 16 health save, or be frozen until the end of their next turn. Each creature takes 1 ongoing cold damage for the duration of the blizzard. The ground becomes difficult terrain, and remains that way until the foot of snow melts.

19. Drought. All exposed water within a 300 ft. radius of the caster evaporates instantly, and all creatures and plants within that area must pass a DC 20 health save or take 4d6 fire damage. A plant which fails its save normally withers and dies.

20. Tidal Wave. A wave washes over the area, coming from a random direction (roll 1d4 to determine direction). All creatures get a DC 16 health save. All creatures take 4d10 water damage, or half as much on a passed save, and any creature that failed its save is pushed 30 ft. and knocked prone. Does not affect creatures 25 ft. or more up in the air.

21. Tailwind. For the rest of the encounter, all creatures have speed +30 ft.

22. Uplift. You reverse the direction of gravity in a 100 ft. cube centered on where you are when this effect triggers for one round. Creatures in the area which don’t want to fly and which have something to hold on to get a DC 13 health save to grab hold of something. During this effect’s one round duration, they will fall up to 100 ft. up, and then will fall up to 100 ft. when the direction rights itself unless they do something to stop it.

23. Downdraft. All flying creatures immediately fall up to 500 ft., and are unable to fly. Until the end of the encounter, ranged attacks have disadvantage, all creatures move at half speed, and all flying creatures must pass a DC 30 test of strength or spellcraft to be able to fly until the start of their next turn.

24. Cyclone. All creatures within 100 ft. of the target get a DC 16 health save. All creatures in range take 4d6 wind damage, or half as much on a passed save, and any creature that failed its save is pulled as far as possible toward the target, and up to 30 ft. up into the air.

25. Quake. Causes an earthquake. Targets must pass a DC 16 health save or take 4d10 earth damage and fall prone. Does not affect airborne creatures. Tremorsense becomes practically useless for one round.

26. Erupt. The targets must pass a DC 16 health (reflex) save or take 4d10 fire damage as jets of fire spew forth from the earth. A 3 x 3 space (15 ft. x 15 ft.) area centered under each target turns into lava, which deals 4d6 fire damage to anything that touches it. Once a creature has taken damage from this lava, it cannot take damage from it again until the start of its next turn. The lava cools after one day.

27. The Floor Is Lava. The ground within a 60 ft. radius of you begins glowing red hot. All creatures in contact with the ground in that area take 1d6 fire damage. At the end of your next turn, that ground turns into lava, which deals 4d12 fire damage to anything that touches it. Once a creature has taken damage from this lava, it cannot take damage from it again until the start of its next turn. The lava cools after one day.

28. Sunray. Two beams of light shoot out of the target’s eyes. They may direct these beams by turning their head, and they provide bright light. If they keep the beams on an undead creature for a round, it deals 1d12 light damage to them. The beam lasts until they rest.

29. Breath. Until the end of the encounter, the target can breathe fire as an action. This affects a 30 ft. cone, and deals 4d8 fire damage, which a DC 16 health (reflex) save halves.

30. Basilisk. Petrify is cast on the target for free.

31. Pollen. The targets must pass a DC 16 health save or fall asleep and prone. They wake up at the end of their next turn, or if woken up as an action.

32. Chameleon. The targets’ skins change color, either to something vibrant or which blends in with their surroundings. They have disadvantage or advantage on tests of Roguery.

33. Swap. You and a target polymorph into each other for one day, and switch positions.

34. Mutate. The targets grow gills and can breathe water until they rest. At the start of their next turn, they must pass a DC 20 social save, or be turned into a newt until the end of that turn.

35. Empty Sky. Each space occupied by a creature glows with an astral light. At the end of your next turn, stars fall on each of those spaces, dealing 1d20+10 fire damage which a DC 20 health (reflex) save halves.

36. Poison. A single target must pass a DC 17 health save or take 10 ongoing poison damage. They may spend an action to get a save to end this ongoing damage.

37. Float. You and all creatures within 300 ft. of you become weightless, concealed from tremorsense, and can fly at their full speed. At the end of each of their turns, they roll a d12, if they roll a 1, they lose this ability to fly.

38. Acid Rain. Acid pours from the sky or ceiling within 300 ft. of you. All exposed creatures in range take 1 acid damage and 1 armor damage at the end of each of their turns. Dissipate d4 (At the end of each of your turns after the turn you use this ability, roll a d4, and if you roll a 1, this effect ends.).

39. Night Falls. A 300 ft. radius sphere of darkness appears, centered on you, and extinguishes all light within. It lasts for 1 hour. Darkvision can see through it.

40. Fail. You cast the intended spell, but it has the opposite of its normal effect, or is cast at an undesirable target, or the Headmaster decides on some other consequence commensurate with critically failing the chosen spell (about as bad as successfully casting it is good).

41. Panic! You and all creatures within 300 ft. of you become afraid and terrified of all other creatures. They get a DC 16 social save to end this effect at the end of each of their turns.

42. Vines. You and all creatures within 300 ft. of you must pass a DC 16 health (reflex) save or be restrained by vines (see Entangle for a description of how they work).

43. Underworld Grasp. You and all creatures within 300 ft. of you must pass a DC 16 health (reflex) save or be restrained by the animated hands of the dead rising up from under the ground. The hands remain for one day, and will try to restrain anything that enters their space. A creature restrained by the hands can spend its action to try a DC 16 health save or appropriate test of skill to escape.

44. Grow. A single target grows by one size until it rests.

45. Shrink. A single target shrinks by one size until it rests.

46. Resist. A single target resists all damage until it rests.

47. Persist. The next time the target would be reduced to 0 HP, it remains at 1 HP.

48. Desist. A single target must pass a DC 16 health save, or is immobilized and disabled until the end of its next turn.

49. Downfall. You and all creatures within 300 ft. take 10 dark damage.

50. Center. A single target with at least 1 HP has its HP set to half of its maximum.

51. Rally. You and all creatures within 300 ft. of you heal 10 HP.

52 - 62. You cast the intended spell. Possibly at the intended target.

62 - 69. You cast the intended spell at the intended target!

70. Pillar. You and all creatures within 300 ft. of you must pass a DC 16 health (reflex) save, or are lifted 20 ft. up by pillars of stone which rise up from under them. If they pass their save, they may jump off the pillar before it lifts them so high. The pillars permanently remain.

71. Spray. A single target’s mouth begins spraying a jet of pressurized water like a fire hose. At the start of each of its turns, it may point this jet at a target up to 60 ft. away. The target must pass a DC 16 health (reflex) save, or be pushed up to 30 ft. away by the jet. At the end of each of the affected target’s turns, it rolls a d12, and if it rolls a 1, this effect ends.

72. Ill. A single target becomes unwell, and must projectile vomit at the start of each of its turns. It may choose a target within 300 ft., and the target must pass a DC 16 health (reflex) save, or take 1d8 acid damage. Dissipate d12 (At the end of each of the affected target’s turns, it rolls a d12, and if it rolls a 1, this effect ends).

73. Frostbite. You and all creatures within 300 ft. of you must pass a DC 16 health save, or be frozen until the end of their next turn. Creatures which resist cold get advantage on this save. Creatures that are immune to cold are unaffected.

74. Shock. You and all creatures within 300 ft. of you must pass a DC 16 health save, or be paralyzed until the end of their next turn. Creatures which resist lightning get advantage on this save. Creatures that are immune to lightning are unaffected.

75. Toxin. You create a thick cloud of arcane poison with a 300 ft. radius centered on a single target. Any creature that begins its turn in the cloud takes 1 poison damage. The cloud lasts for 1 day.

76. Briars. You create briars in a 60 ft. burst around you. The affected area becomes difficult terrain, and any creature passing through the affected area takes 5 damage for each 5 ft. of briars that it passes through. A creature may attack the briars to clear them, slowly.

77. Lesser Swap. Two targets switch positions.

78. Sun. Intense heat radiates from you, reducing everything around you to ash. You and all creatures within 30 ft. of you must pass a DC 16 health save, or take 8d12 fire damage.

79. Mirror. A single target gets an illusory double. If they would be targeted, roll a d2, on a 1, the illusory double is targeted instead of them and is destroyed. Area effects, shapesense, or grabbing the target render the illusory double ineffective.

80. Reap. A single target deals 10 dark damage to all creatures within 300 ft. of it, and heals for the total damage dealt.

81. Blind Eye. You and all creatures within 300 ft. gain +30 ft. Shapesense until they rest.

82. Oiled. Until the target rests, they are coated in oil and have advantage on saves to avoid or end being restrained, and advantage on contests of skill to avoid or escape grabs.

83. Slick. You cast the Oil spell.

84. Stone. A target must pass a DC 20 health save or is petrified until the end of its next turn.

85. Hail. You and all targets within 300 ft. must pass a DC 16 health (reflex) save, or take 1d12 cold damage as the sky opens up and hails great hailstones.

86. Gurgle. You and all creatures within 300 ft. of you must pass a DC 16 health save, or until they rest, every time they try to speak they can only make gurgling noises.

87. Pox. A single target gets disadvantage on rolls to hit, tests of skill, and saves until the end of its next turn.

88. Madness. A single target is compelled to think its allies are its enemies and its enemies are its allies until it rests or passes a DC 13 social save to end this effect. It gets a save at the end of each of its turns.

89. You summon a potted plant.

90. Wild. The Headmaster comes up with what happens without guidance from the chaos table.

91. Restock. Your control refills to its maximum.

92. Favor. A single target gets advantage on rolls to hit, tests of skill, and saves until the end of its next turn.

93. Attrit. You and every creature within 300 ft. of you take dark damage equal to their missing HP. This damage cannot reduce them to 0 HP, it can only reduce them to 1 HP.

94. Rest. A single target falls asleep and immediately receives the benefits of a short rest.

95. Elixir. A single target is healed to full HP.

96. Fork. Roll two more times on the chaos table, and choose the outcome you prefer.

97. Chaos. Roll two more times on the chaos table.

98 - 99. Chaos Tide. Roll on the chaos table at the start of each of your turns until the end of the encounter.

100. Fate. You choose any effect from the chaos table for this spell to have, and its targets, if there are targets to be chosen.

Tags: Trigger, Spell, Ranged, Area, Random

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 0 You Invoke Chaos when you lose control.
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