Courses / BI / Grow


BI 415
Study DC:



Ranged: sight
-1d10 Control
Health save negates (for unwilling targets)
Until the caster rests

This spell can target either a creature or an object.
The target’s size increases by one, to a maximum of giant. Its weight increases accordingly.

Tiny -> Small -> Medium -> Large -> Huge -> Giant

Medium creatures occupy 5 ft. x 5 ft. x 5 ft.
Large creatures occupy 10 ft. x 10 ft. x 10 ft., and weigh 8x as much as a medium creature.
Huge creatures occupy 15 ft. x 15 ft. x 15 ft., and weigh 4x as much as a large creature.
Giant creatures occupy 20 ft. x 20 ft. x 20 ft., and weigh 2x as much as a huge creature.

Any gear on the target’s person is also scaled up for this spell’s duration.
You can cast this spell on a target multiple times to increase their size all the way up to giant.
A creature that does not want to be embiggened gets a DC 13 health save to negate this effect.
If an item is on a creature’s person, that creature gets a DC 13 health save to prevent the item from being enlarged.
You can reduce the effect of this spell as a fast action.
You can end this spell as a fast action.

Size has a significant effect on grabbing, and affects how far you can physically push creatures.

Tags: Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Debuff, Reach, Area, Test, Damage, Save

Splash Attack

Attack Extra Targets

While a target’s size has been increased to at least huge by Grow,
whenever they attack with a melee weapon, they may instead attack each creature in a 15 ft. x 15 ft. (3 space x 3 space) square centered on a target within their reach.
This ability cannot be used with other abilities which allow them to attack extra targets, or attacks granted by this ability.

Tags: Ability, Attack Extra Targets

Name Effort Requires Description
Grow 1 15 The target becomes one size larger, up to a maximum of giant.
They have advantage on tests of strength or endurance,
+5 ft. reach with melee weapons,
and can use Splash Attack.
For every size increase, they get
-1 AC
+1 to health tests
+1 to health saves
+1 to melee weapon damage
+1 to heavy melee weapon damage
Grow 2 10 Grow 1 The target becomes two sizes larger, up to a maximum of giant.
Grow 3 10 Grow 2 The target becomes three sizes larger, up to a maximum of giant.
Next: Envenom 4