Courses / AR / Blind
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
AR 150
Blind Spell
300 ft.
1 creature (or an area at a -5 DC penalty)
Health save reduces, health save at end of turn ends
Target gets a health save against this curse.
If the target fails its save against this curse, it is blinded until it passes its save to end this curse. It gets a save to end this curse at the end of each of its turns.
If the target passes its initial save against this curse, it is blinded until after its next attack.
If it does not attack by the end of its turn, this effect goes away.
A target can only suffer the effects of one Blind spell at a time.
You can end this curse as a fast action.
Suggested Backfire: You cast Blind on yourself, and cannot dismiss it.
If the target fails its save against this curse, it is blinded until it passes its save to end this curse. It gets a save to end this curse at the end of each of its turns.
If the target passes its initial save against this curse, it is blinded until after its next attack.
If it does not attack by the end of its turn, this effect goes away.
A target can only suffer the effects of one Blind spell at a time.
You can end this curse as a fast action.
Suggested Backfire: You cast Blind on yourself, and cannot dismiss it.
Arcane Light Spell
5 ft.
Until you rest
Target object emits bright light in a 15 ft. radius, and dim light for a further 15 ft.
You can douse this light as a fast action.
You choose the color of the light, and may change it as a fast action.
You may adjust the brightness of this light with a test of Spellcraft.
Creatures which go from in total darkness before you cast this spell to in bright light when you cast it must pass a DC 15 health save, or be blinded until the end of their turn.
You can douse this light as a fast action.
You choose the color of the light, and may change it as a fast action.
You may adjust the brightness of this light with a test of Spellcraft.
Creatures which go from in total darkness before you cast this spell to in bright light when you cast it must pass a DC 15 health save, or be blinded until the end of their turn.
“I shall now … disappear!”
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
Unlock | 10 | You can cast Blind DC 6 |
DC +2 | 5 | Unlock | DC 8 |
DC +4 | 5 | DC +2 | DC 10 |
DC +6 | 5 | DC +4 | DC 12 |
DC +8 | 5 | DC +5 | DC 14 |
DC +9 | 5 | DC +8 | DC 15 |
Arcane Light | 0 | Unlock | You can cast Arcane Light |
Blinding Flash | 0 | Unlock | You may cast Blind targeting all enemies within 15 ft. of a target light source, at a -5 DC penalty. |
Extra Credit
Mass Blindness
Effort: 20
Requires: Mastery
You may cast Blind targeting all enemies that can see a target light source at a -5 DC penalty.
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