Courses / AR / Darkness


Qualifies For:
Study DC:
AR 342

Darkness Spell

Casting a subtle spell while hidden also hides that you are casting it, and does not cause you to become unhidden.
When you cast a subtle spell while you are not hidden, you cant try to hide that you are casting it with a contest of Spellcraft or Roguery against the Seeking of creatures observing you.
Only observers that win notice you are casting a spell. However, once the spell is cast, its effects may be noticed.
300 ft.
Up to a 65 ft. cube
1 hour

You fill up to a 65 ft. cube with magical darkness, creating a black box which smothers and douses any light within.

This area provides concealment from creatures without darkvision,
and partial concealment from creatures with darkvision.
While a creature is in the area, it is blinded unless it can see through darkness.
(Heatsense, tremorsense, shapesense, and lifesense normally ignore this concealment).
Darkness imposes disadvantage on tests of seeking in it, unless a creature can see in the dark.

You can end this spell as a fast action.

(Attacks against creatures you cannot see have disadvantage.
Attacks from creatures you cannot see have advantage.
If neither side can see in the dark, this cancels out.)

Alternatively, you may use this spell to manipulate an area of dim light or shadow within the spell’s area, expanding, shrinking, or shaping the shadows. You may also sculpt the shape of the darkness within the area, and allow light to penetrate it.
For this spell’s duration, as an action, you can manipulate the dim light, shadows, and darkness within the spell’s area.
For example, you can take control of someone’s shadow and put on a shadow play.

Suggested Backfire: You light up the area.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Conceal, Utility, Illusion, Subtle, Dark

Dark Vision Spell

Casting a subtle spell while hidden also hides that you are casting it, and does not cause you to become unhidden.
When you cast a subtle spell while you are not hidden, you cant try to hide that you are casting it with a contest of Spellcraft or Roguery against the Seeking of creatures observing you.
Only observers that win notice you are casting a spell. However, once the spell is cast, its effects may be noticed.
You and all allies within 60 ft.
Until the caster rests

The targets gain +60 ft. darkvision until the caster rests.
A target can only receive the benefits of this spell once at the same time.
You can end this spell as a fast action.

Suggested Backfire: The target is blinded until they rest.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Utility, Darkvision, Subtle, Dark

“Lights out!”

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 15 You can cast Darkness.
You can cast Darkvision.
Asymmetry 20 Unlock When you cast Darkness, you can also cast Dark Vision for free without spending an action.
Extra Credit
Cover of Night
Effort: 0
Requires: Mastery
If you spend an additional action while casting another spell, you may cast that spell and Darkness at the same time.
Nightfall Eclipse
Effort: 10
Requires: Mastery
You may spend ten minutes instead of an action to cast this spell to cause it to fill a one mile cube centered on the point where you cast it instead of its normal area, and last for eight hours instead of its normal duration.
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