Courses / AR / Arcane Bubbles

Arcane Bubbles

AR 340
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Area within sight
None, health save ends

This spell is traditionally cast from a bubble pipe.

Each creature within the area is trapped in a bubble and lifted 5 ft. into the air, where they list gently from side to side, floating. While trapped inside a bubble, they are immobilized (cannot move), and they ignore difficult terrain and hazards that are on the ground.

If a trapped creature attempts to take an action which would pop the bubble, they must make a health save.
If they pass, they pop the bubble and their action may affect targets outside of the bubble.
If they fail, that action bounces off and fails to pierce the bubble.
If a creature trapped within a bubble is affected by any ability which would pop the bubble originating from outside of the bubble, the bubble pops.

On each of your turns, as a fast action, you may move each creature trapped in one of your bubbles 5 ft. in any direction (including up into the air, to a maximum height of 30 ft. above the solid ground or a liquid surface), or twice as fast if they are underwater. A stiff breeze or comparable force may also blow these bubbles around, even bubbles containing heavy creatures.

You may alternatively use this spell’s bubbles on yourself and your allies so you can breathe underwater, to float over hazards, or to slow a fall provided you have time to cast it before you splat.
You can pop one of your magic bubbles as a fast action.

Suggested Backfire: You trap yourself inside a bubble, and lose the ability to control or burst your bubble.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Health, Save, Buff, Debuff, Mobility, Water

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 10 Affects one space
Bubbles may move up to 5 ft. each round
DC 11
DC +3 5 Unlock DC 14
DC +6 5 DC +3 DC 17
Area 1 5 Unlock Affects a 15 ft. radius
Area 2 5 Area 1 30 ft. radius
Blow 5 Unlock Bubbles may move up to 10 ft. each round
Extra Credit
Ride the Winds
Effort: 8
Requires: Mastery
You can minor spellburn 1 as a fast action to cause a breeze in a direction of your choice for 1 round.
You can spellburn 1 as an action to cause a gust in a direction of your choice for 1 round, which moving against costs double movement but moving with costs half movement.
Ranged weapons firing into the gust have half range.
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