Courses / AR / Restraining Zone
Restraining Zone
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
AR 240
Restraining Zone Passive
Health (reflex) save negates, test escapes
Your unsafe spaces are now difficult terrain.
Your unsafe spaces now extend up to +10 ft. higher.
Whenever a creature takes damage from your unsafe space, it gets a health (reflex) save.
The target is restrained.
You are immobilized.
Your rolls to hit have disadvantage.
You are off guard: Rolls to hit you have advantage.
A creature restrained by this spell may spend its move or action to
try a DC 10 test of Strength, Spellcraft, or Roguery to break free.
An adjacent ally can spend their action to try a DC 10 test of their own Strength, Spellcraft, or Roguery to free a creature restrained by this spell.
The target is not restrained.
A target that passes its save against one Restraining Zone is immune to all other Restraining Zones until the start of its next turn.
A target can only be restrained by one Restraining Zone at a time, even if they are big and are in multiple different unsafe spaces.
Your unsafe spaces now extend up to +10 ft. higher.
Whenever a creature takes damage from your unsafe space, it gets a health (reflex) save.
The target is restrained.
You are immobilized.
Your rolls to hit have disadvantage.
You are off guard: Rolls to hit you have advantage.
A creature restrained by this spell may spend its move or action to
try a DC 10 test of Strength, Spellcraft, or Roguery to break free.
An adjacent ally can spend their action to try a DC 10 test of their own Strength, Spellcraft, or Roguery to free a creature restrained by this spell.
The target is not restrained.
A target that passes its save against one Restraining Zone is immune to all other Restraining Zones until the start of its next turn.
A target can only be restrained by one Restraining Zone at a time, even if they are big and are in multiple different unsafe spaces.
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
Unlock | 10 | Your Unsafe Spaces are difficult terrain. Your Unsafe Spaces extend up to +10 ft. higher. Your Unsafe Spaces can now restrain. DC 7 save DC 10 escape |
DC +2 | 5 | Unlock | DC 9 save |
DC +4 | 5 | DC +2 | DC 11 save |
DC +6 | 5 | DC +4 | DC 13 save |
DC +8 | 5 | DC +6 | DC 15 save |
DC +10 | 5 | DC +8 | DC 17 save |
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