Courses / AR / Restraining Zone

Restraining Zone

Qualifies For:
Study DC:
AR 240

Restraining Zone Passive

Debuffs make their targets worse at something.
Health (reflex) save negates, test escapes

Your unsafe spaces are now difficult terrain.
Your unsafe spaces now extend up to +10 ft. higher.

Whenever a creature takes damage from your unsafe space, it gets a health (reflex) save.

The target is restrained.

You are immobilized.
Your rolls to hit have disadvantage.
You are off guard: Rolls to hit you have advantage.

A creature restrained by this spell may spend its move or action to
try a DC 10 test of Strength, Spellcraft, or Roguery to break free.

An adjacent ally can spend their action to try a DC 10 test of their own Strength, Spellcraft, or Roguery to free a creature restrained by this spell.

The target is not restrained.

A target that passes its save against one Restraining Zone is immune to all other Restraining Zones until the start of its next turn.
A target can only be restrained by one Restraining Zone at a time, even if they are big and are in multiple different unsafe spaces.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Health, Save, Debuff, Restrain, Elemental, Damage

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 10 Your Unsafe Spaces are difficult terrain.
Your Unsafe Spaces extend up to +10 ft. higher.
Your Unsafe Spaces can now restrain.
DC 7 save
DC 10 escape
DC +2 5 Unlock DC 9 save
DC +4 5 DC +2 DC 11 save
DC +6 5 DC +4 DC 13 save
DC +8 5 DC +6 DC 15 save
DC +10 5 DC +8 DC 17 save