Courses / AR / Living Reflections

Living Reflections

Qualifies For:
Arcane Bubbles, Ghost Form (Partially), Mana Barrier (Partially), Flight (Partially)
Study DC:
AR 239

Living Reflections Spell

Buffs make their targets better at something.
300 ft.
You (or an ally with lesser effect)
Until the caster rests, or until all reflections are destroyed if that comes first

You create a number of illusory copies of yourself in your space, which follow you and mimic your movements and voice. When you would be targeted by an attack or other hostile ability which does not affect an area, you only have a 1 in X chance of actually being targeted, where X is the number of remaining reflections plus one. If you are not targeted, a reflection is targeted instead of you and is destroyed. Reflections cannot be destroyed by other means, except by ending the spell.
Reflections can be targeted independently of you by multitarget hostile abilities, which will destroy them.
Reflections cannot be targeted independently of you by single target abilities or area affecting abilities.
A target can only be affected by one Living Reflections spell at a time. If a target has a second Living Reflections spell cast on them, they choose whether to dispel their current Living Reflections or negate the new one.
You can end this spell as a fast action.

Area of Effect:
Since your illusory reflections are standing close to you, attacks or abilities which affect an area ignore this spell and still affect you.

While you are grabbed, this spell stops working.
This spell does not affect creatures grabbed by you.
(An attempt to grab you can still be redirected by this spell.)

If you are within a creature’s shapesense range, they ignore this spell.

If your illusory copies are turned invisible, they won’t be targeted.

A multitarget hostile ability can guarantee it destroys a reflection or reflections by targeting them. Resolve the destruction of these reflections before handling the portion of the ability actually targeting you.

(Multitarget abilities which affect a limited number of targets chosen from within an area can still be retargeted at a reflection. Abilities which affect everything, all creatures, or all enemies in an area cannot be retargeted at a reflection.)
(Targets are chosen, and redirected, before rolls to hit, saves, or tests are rolled.)
(This enchantment does not stack. Recasting this spell can replace any missing reflections.)

Requires a reflective surface to cast, whether that be a polished weapon or shield, a tiny hand mirror, or a puddle.

Suggested Backfire: You summon a hostile doppelganger of yourself which attacks you once before disappearing.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Self, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, Illusion

“Hey, you in the mirror! Tag in for a while?”

Name Effort Requires Description
Double 15 1 reflection
Triple 15 Double 2 reflections
Transfer 5 Double You may cast this spell on others, up to 300 ft. away.
When you cast this spell on anyone else, they only get 1 reflection.
Extra Credit
You Fool!
Effort: 15
Requires: Double
Choose an element when you learn this ability.
When an enemy hits one of your reflections with a melee attack, your reflection explodes, dealing 1d8 damage of that element to them.
+1d8 damage per boost from Intensify.