Courses / AR / Quick Shield
Quick Shield
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
AR 134
Quick Shield Spell
When a creature would be hit
5 ft.
One creature
Once per attack
One attack
The target gains AC against one attack that would hit it, which may cause it to miss instead.
Suggested Backfire: The attack becomes a critical hit, or your spellburn die size decreases.
(You may cast Quick Shield on yourself.)
(If Quick Shield is countered by Counterspell or a readied Dispel, you cannot cast it again against the same hit.)
Suggested Backfire: The attack becomes a critical hit, or your spellburn die size decreases.
(You may cast Quick Shield on yourself.)
(If Quick Shield is countered by Counterspell or a readied Dispel, you cannot cast it again against the same hit.)
“Broadly speaking, there are two categories of mages: the quick, and the dead.”
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
AC +2 | 10 | AC +2 | |
AC +3 | 5 | AC +2 | AC +3 |
AC +4 | 5 | AC +3 | AC +4 |
AC +5 | 5 | AC +4 | AC +5 |
AC +6 | 10 | AC +5 | AC +6 |
Extra Credit
Effort: 5
Requires: AC +2
The range of this spell increases to 300 ft.
Shatter Shield
Effort: 5
Requires: AC +2
When Quick Shield causes a melee attack to miss, it deals 1 elemental damage to the attacker.
When you learn this ability, choose which element your Quick Shield will be.
Whenever you cast this spell, it will normally be of that element.
You can try to cast this spell using a different element, but must pass a DC 20 test of Spellcraft each time to change the element from what it normally is.
When you learn this ability, choose which element your Quick Shield will be.
Whenever you cast this spell, it will normally be of that element.
You can try to cast this spell using a different element, but must pass a DC 20 test of Spellcraft each time to change the element from what it normally is.
Quack Shield
Effort: 0
Requires: AC +2
Casting this spell briefly summons a flock of startled quacking flapping ducks, which startle the enemy. Ducks and feathers everywhere. The ducks fly off or vanish nearly as suddenly as they appeared.
Previous: Lightning Reflexes
Next: Quick Shell