Courses / AR / Feather Fall

Feather Fall

AR 134
Qualifies For:
Study DC:


When a creature falls
Ranged:sight (upgrades to multi target)
Until the target touches the ground

Slow the target’s fall, reducing fall damage.

A creature falls up to 500 ft. per round, at the end of its turn.
At the end of a fall of 10 ft. or more, a creature takes 1 blunt damage for every foot that it fell, up to a limit of 500 damage.
A creature which takes 100 or more damage from a fall may instantly die at the Headmaster’s discretion.
A soft landing area or other mitigating factors may reduce this damage.

Suggested Backfire: You overcompensate for gravity with lift and are shot 505 ft. into the air. (You fall up to 500 ft. per round, at the end of your turn. So, at the end of your turn, you will be dangerously close to the ground.)

Tags: Trigger, Reaction, Spellburn, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Wind

“Fear of heights is rare among wizards.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 9 Half fall damage.
Reduces fall speed to 250 ft. per round.
Slower Fall 9 Unlock Make a DC 11 health save.
If you pass, no fall damage.
If you fail, half fall damage.
Reduces fall speed to 100 ft. per round.
TerminalVelocity 9 Slower Fall No fall damage.
Reduces fall speed to 30 ft. per round.
Mass Slow 8 Unlock This spell may affect multiple targets at the same time which have a total combined weight of one ton or less.
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