Courses / AR / Lightning Reflexes
Lightning Reflexes
Required For:
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Study DC:
AR 133
Lightning Reflexes Spell
Trigger or Action
When you or a target roll initiative
5 ft.
1 creature
Once per rest
Until you rest
The target’s body is invested with the power of lightning.
The target gets advantage on initiative rolls.
While the target can react, it takes half damage instead of full damage from failed health (reflex) saves.
(This replaces full damage with half damage, and does not stack with other abilities which do the same thing such as Power Through or Intercept. It does stack with resistance.)
You can end this spell as a fast action.
Suggested Backfire: Until you rest, you go last in initiative order.
The target gets advantage on initiative rolls.
While the target can react, it takes half damage instead of full damage from failed health (reflex) saves.
(This replaces full damage with half damage, and does not stack with other abilities which do the same thing such as Power Through or Intercept. It does stack with resistance.)
You can end this spell as a fast action.
Suggested Backfire: Until you rest, you go last in initiative order.
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
Unlock | 35 | You can cast Lightning Reflexes. |
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