Courses / AR / Leaf on the Wind

Leaf on the Wind

Qualifies For:
Arcane Bubbles, Ghost Form (Partially), Mana Barrier (Partially), Flight (Partially), Wormhole (Partially)
Study DC:
AR 236

Leaf on the Wind Spell

Casting a subtle spell while hidden also hides that you are casting it, and does not cause you to become unhidden.
When you cast a subtle spell while you are not hidden, you cant try to hide that you are casting it with a contest of Spellcraft or Roguery against the Seeking of creatures observing you.
Only observers that win notice you are casting a spell. However, once the spell is cast, its effects may be noticed.
Buffs make their targets better at something.
300 ft.
1 target
Until the caster rests

The target moves faster.
The target has advantage on tests of Agility.
Dash +30: Dashing lets the target move up to 30 ft. further. This bonus is affected by reductions to speed.

A target can only receive the benefits of one Leaf on the Wind spell at a time.
You can end this spell as a fast action.

Suggested Backfire: You are immobilized until the end of this turn,
and until you rest you get half as much effort on tests of Agility and every 5 ft. you move costs you an extra 5 ft. of movement.

Tags: Spellburn, Fast Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Buff, Mobility, Space Magic, Subtle, Wind

“I’ll never be late for class again!”

Name Effort Requires Description
Speed +5 5 Speed +5 ft.
+1 effort on extended tests of Agility.
Speed +10 5 Speed +5 Speed +10 ft.
+2 effort on extended tests of Agility.
Speed +15 5 Speed +10 Speed +15 ft.
+3 effort on extended tests of Agility.
Speed +20 5 Speed +15 Speed +20 ft.
+4 effort on extended tests of Agility.
Speed +25 5 Speed +20 Speed +25 ft.
+5 effort on extended tests of Agility.
Speed +30 5 Speed +25 Speed +30 ft.
+6 effort on extended tests of Agility.
Agile 5 Target has advantage on tests of Agility.
Dash +30 0 Agile Dashing lets you move up to 30 ft. further.
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