Courses / AR / Mage Armor

Mage Armor

AR 130
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Until you take a rest

Summon temporary weightless magic armor custom fitted for you.

Mage Armor is an alternative to armor.
While wearing Mage Armor, use the better of its AC bonus or your body armor’s AC bonus.
(This spell can replace and be better than armor, but when paired with armor may confer a lesser or potentially even no benefit.)

Mage Armor’s AC bonus is an armor AC bonus.
Your total armor AC bonus cannot exceed +10 AC.
(Your armor AC bonus includes Mage Armor’s bonus, and any armor AC bonuses from other abilities.)

When you cast this spell, it is accompanied by a transformation sequence.
You control the cosmetic aspects and appearance of your Mage Armor when you conjure it. Once Mage Armor has been cast, changing its appearance without recasting the spell requires passing a test of Spellcraft.
You can end this spell (and transform back) as a fast action.

Some users of this spell choose to wear armor for redundancy purposes in case their mage armor is dispelled. Others wear armor which covers areas this spell does not. Still others wear no armor and rely entirely on this spell.

Suggested Backfire: Your spellburn die size decreases, instead of remaining where it was.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, AC

“Who needs armor when you know magic?”

Name Effort Requires Description
AC +1 5 Mage Armor’s AC bonus replaces your AC bonuses from your body armor.
Armor AC +1
(Your total AC would normally be 11)
AC +2 6 AC +1 Armor AC +2
AC +3 6 AC +2 Armor AC +3
AC +4 6 AC +3 Armor AC +4
AC +6 12 AC +4 Armor AC +6
Extra Credit
AC +7
Effort: 5
Requires: AC +6
Armor AC +7
AC +8
Effort: 5
Requires: AC +7, Sophomore+
Armor AC +8
AC +9
Effort: 5
Requires: AC +8, Junior+
Armor AC +9
AC +10
Effort: 5
Requires: AC +9, Senior+
Armor AC +10
Previous: Invisible Hand