Courses / AR / Invisible Hand

Invisible Hand

AR 122
Required For:
Study DC:


One of your hands
You can only have a maximum of two Invisible Hands at a time
Until you rest

You summon a magical floating hand which is invisible to everyone else, but appears ghostly to you. It appears as a ghostly glove on your hand.
When the hand is summoned, it may immediately try a test of Roguery or Spellcraft to hide if circumstances allow, and if it passes, it comes into existence hidden.
The hand can fly and floats.
When you move, if the hand is in your space, you may wear it like a ghostly glove and carry it with you.
On each of your turns, you may move the hand up to 30 ft.
If the hand is ever further than 30 ft. from you, it drops whatever it is holding and then teleports back to your hand.
If you can see the hand, you may spend your action to make the hand perform an action a hand is capable of.

The hand may make an unarmed attack, and has +0 to hit with it, but it deals no damage (unarmed attacks normally deal 1 damage, but it is a ghostly hand).
The hand may attack using a one handed weapon it is holding, but has +0 to hit with it.

The hand does not use your priority modifiers when performing tests of skill.
Instead, the hand gains a bonus to all tests of skill it performs as your mastery in this course increases.
The hand gets all your other bonuses to tests of skill on its tests of skill.

Roll = d20 + your skill bonus + your hand’s skill bonus

The hand is in the tiny size category (which limits its ability to grab).
The hand can only carry objects that you could carry with one hand.
The hand cannot use a shield effectively.
You can only have a maximum of two Invisible Hands at a time.

Because the hand is invisible, it gets advantage on tests of Roguery and rolls to hit (unless its target can see it somehow).
The hand is not a creature. The hand does not get its own turn. The hand is immaterial, but can exert force on its target. Most abilities can interact with objects held by the hand, but not the hand itself. The hand cannot be damaged, but it can be dispelled.

Casting this spell while hidden does not cause you to become unhidden.

You can end this spell as a fast action.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Summon, Utility, Subtle

“I propose the creation of an invisible hand, which will lead the rich to divide their wealth with the poor.” - Madame Smith

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 8 +0 to tests of skill
Handy 1 8 Unlock +1 to tests of skill
Handy 2 9 Handy 1 +2 to tests of skill
Handy 3 10 Handy 2 +3 to tests of skill
Extra Credit
Effort: 8
Requires: Unlock
You may use your invisible hand as the point of origin for your spells.
Effort: 8
Requires: Mastery
Tiny objects held by your invisible hand are also invisible.
Previous: Mage Weapon