Courses / AR / Telekinesis


AR 272
Study DC:


Action or Trigger
When something tries to grab you
Ranged: 300 ft.
Contest of Strength or Agility
Until the start of your next turn

Try a test of Spellcraft to grab the target and hold them in place until the start of your next turn and/or push or pull the target a distance based on its size, trip the target, end all grabs affecting the target, or otherwise exert force on the target.

When anything tries to grab you, you may cast this spell to contest the attempt to grab you with a test of Spellcraft instead of a test of Strength or Agility.

This spell can grab creatures of any size effectively.
This spell can push or pull a target up to a number of feet equal to your roll on the test of Spellcraft for this spell, rounded down to the nearest 5 ft.
This spell moves creatures which are small up to +5 ft., and tiny up to +10 ft.
This spell moves creatures which are large -5 ft., huge -10 ft., giant -15 ft., and larger even less.
(Being moved by this ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)
This spell can lift the target into the air, where they will remain until the spell ends.
If you try to move the target into a mortal hazard (like high into the air), they get a DC 14 health save to avoid being moved into that hazard.

Casting this spell while hidden does not cause you to become unhidden.

Tags: Action, Reaction, Trigger, Spell, Spellburn, Utility, Test, Subtle

“Who needs physical strength when you have magic?”

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 5 You can cast Telekinesis.
-6 penalty on tests of Spellcraft using Telekinesis
-5 5 Unlock -5 penalty
-4 5 -5 -4 penalty
-3 5 -4 -3 penalty
-2 5 -3 -2 penalty
-1 5 -2 -1 penalty
0 5 -1 No penalty
Extra Credit
Effort: 20
Requires: Unlock
You may make a successful Telekinesis deal 1d8 physical damage to the target.
If you do, this spell is not subtle.
Previous: Know