Courses / AR / Thermomancy
Study DC:
AR 273
Thermomancy Spell
5 ft.
1 target
Until the caster rests
The target resists fire and cold, and is invisible to heatsense.
(Due to resisting fire and cold, it is protected from the effects of exposure to heat and cold and kept cool or warm.)
You can end this spell as a fast action (if for some reason you want to).
Alternatively, you may cast this spell to change the temperature to your desired temperature in a 5 ft. cube for its duration, or a larger area commensurately less intensely.
It normally takes at least 5 minutes to heat a space enough for it to be damaging to be in for a round,
about 10 minutes to heat a space up to oven temperatures,
20 minutes to reach the temperature of red hot iron,
or an hour to make it as hot as white hot iron which is normally the upper limit on how hot this spell can make things.
It normally takes at least 1 minute to cool a space enough to freeze water in it,
or about 5 minutes to make it like an arctic winter night, cold enough for it to be damaging to be in for a round, which is normally around the lower limit on how cold this spell can make things.
Creatures which start, end, or spend any part of their turn in a very cold or very hot space created by this spell take 1d4 cold or fire damage once during that turn from this spell, then take no more damage from this spell until their next turn.
If this spell is dispelled, the temperature will gradually normalize.
(Due to resisting fire and cold, it is protected from the effects of exposure to heat and cold and kept cool or warm.)
You can end this spell as a fast action (if for some reason you want to).
Alternatively, you may cast this spell to change the temperature to your desired temperature in a 5 ft. cube for its duration, or a larger area commensurately less intensely.
It normally takes at least 5 minutes to heat a space enough for it to be damaging to be in for a round,
about 10 minutes to heat a space up to oven temperatures,
20 minutes to reach the temperature of red hot iron,
or an hour to make it as hot as white hot iron which is normally the upper limit on how hot this spell can make things.
It normally takes at least 1 minute to cool a space enough to freeze water in it,
or about 5 minutes to make it like an arctic winter night, cold enough for it to be damaging to be in for a round, which is normally around the lower limit on how cold this spell can make things.
Creatures which start, end, or spend any part of their turn in a very cold or very hot space created by this spell take 1d4 cold or fire damage once during that turn from this spell, then take no more damage from this spell until their next turn.
If this spell is dispelled, the temperature will gradually normalize.
“Stay frosty.”
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
Unlock | 35 | You can cast Thermomancy |
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