Courses / AR / Gravity


AR 443
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Gravitational Pull


Health save reduces

The target takes 1d8 blunt damage and gets a health save.
A large or larger or heavy target gets advantage on its save.
If it fails its health save, pull it up to 30 ft. in a direction of your choice, regardless of its size.

(If this would pull them into a mortal hazard, they get a health save to avoid being pulled into that hazard, but are still pulled as far as safely possible.)

Tags: Spell, Action, Spellburn, Ranged, Health, Save, Mobility, Pull, Space Magic

Gravitational Pull (Area)


A sphere within Ranged:sight
Health save reduces

This spell affects a sphere up to 30 ft. in radius.
All targets in the area take 1d8 blunt damage, and get a health save.
Large or larger or heavy targets get advantage on their saves.
Pull any targets that fail their saves as far as possible toward the center of the sphere, regardless of their size.

(If this would pull them into a mortal hazard, they get a health save to avoid being pulled into that hazard, but are still pulled as far as safely possible.)

Tags: Spell, Action, Spellburn, Ranged, Area, Health, Save, Mobility, Pull, Space Magic

Gravity Well


A sphere within Ranged:sight
Health save reduces, test of skill to escape
Collapse d6

You create a gravity well occupying a sphere up to 30 ft. in radius. This sphere is filled with a swirling vortex which tries to suck up everything in the area using one of the fundamental forces of the universe.

All targets in the sphere get a health save.
A large or larger or heavy target gets advantage on its save.

Any targets which fail their save are sucked into the gravity well and trapped within it.
Pull any targets that fail their saves as far as possible toward the center of the sphere, regardless of their size.
While a target is trapped inside the gravity well, it is immobilized and does not fall.

(If this would pull them into a mortal hazard, they get a health save to avoid being pulled into that hazard, but are still pulled as far as safely possible.)

At the start of each of its turns, a creature trapped in the gravity well takes 1d8 blunt damage.

A target trapped in the gravity well may spend its move or action to try a DC 15 test of strength or spellcraft to escape from the gravity well. If it passes, it may move to a space adjacent to the gravity well for free.

If a trapped creature is moved outside the area of the gravity well, it is no longer trapped inside.
This means pushing a trapped creature out of the area can free them.
Allies outside the gravity well may try to pull a trapped creature which they can reach (ex: using a rope) out of the gravity well by passing a DC 15 test of strength.
Or they can try running in, grabbing their ally, and dragging or carrying them back out without getting trapped themselves.

Targets which pass their save take 1d8 blunt damage,
and may move to a space adjacent to the gravity well for free.

Any creature which enters the gravity well must pass a health save against this spell, or be sucked into the gravity well and trapped inside.

Any creature which begins its turn inside the gravity well must pass a health save against this spell, or be sucked into the gravity well and trapped inside.

During each of your turns, as an action, you may move this gravity well up to 30 ft. (including up into the air), and all targets trapped within it move with it.
Any creature which makes contact with the gravity well as you move it must pass a health save against this spell, or be sucked into the gravity well and trapped inside.

Collapse d6:
This spell is unstable.
At the start of each of your turns, roll a d6.
If you roll a 1, this spell ends, and all creatures that were trapped inside the gravity well take 1d8 blunt damage as it collapses on top of them.

You can end this spell as a fast action.

Tags: Spell, Action, Spellburn, Ranged, Area, Health, Save, Mobility, Debuff, Immobilize, Pull, Fall, Space Magic

Weigh Down


Health save reduces duration

The target takes 1d8 blunt damage.
The target gets a health save.

If the target fails its save, its speed is halved, it cannot fly, float, or jump, and its weight is doubled (this does not affect carrying capacity) until you rest.

If the target passes its save, its speed is halved until the end of its turn.

Tags: Spell, Action, Spellburn, Ranged, Enchantment, Health, Save, Debuff, Mobility, Space Magic, Anti-Aerial

Gravity Crush


A cylinder within Ranged: sight
Health save reduces

You create a cylinder up to 30 ft. in radius and thousands of feet high, filled with crushing gravity and pressure.

All creatures in the spell’s area when it is cast take 1d8 blunt damage,
and get a health save.

If the target fails its save,
it is immobilized and cannot fly or float until the end of its next turn,
and it is pulled horizontally as far as possible toward the center of the cylinder, regardless of its size.
If the target is in midair, it plummets up to 500 ft. down towards the base of the cylinder, and takes fall damage if it collides with a surface.
Creatures which are on the ground or have something solid to hold on to may go prone to reduce the distance they are pulled to 5 ft.

(If this would pull them into a mortal hazard, they get a health save to avoid being pulled into that hazard, but are still pulled as far as safely possible.)

A creature falls up to 500 ft. per round, at the end of its turn.
At the end of a fall of 10 ft. or more, a creature takes 1 blunt damage for every foot that it fell, up to a limit of 500 damage.
A creature which takes 100 or more damage from a fall may instantly die at the Headmaster’s discretion.
A soft landing area or other mitigating factors may reduce this damage.

If the target passes its save, its speed is halved until the end of its next turn.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Health, Save, Debuff, Mobility, Immobilize, Space Magic, Anti-Aerial, Physical, Damage

“Sit. Stay.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 5 You can Gravitational Pull
DC 16
Area 5 Unlock You can cast Gravitational Pull (Area)
DC 16
Gravity Well 10 Area You can cast Gravity Well
DC 16 save
1d8 blunt damage
DC 15 test of strength to escape as move or action
Weigh Down 5 Unlock You can cast Weigh Down
DC 16
Gravity Crush 10 Gravity Well, Weigh Down You can cast Gravity Crush
DC 16
Extra Credit
Black Hole
Effort: 0
Requires: Mastery, Darkness
You may fill Gravity Crush or Gravitational Pull (Area)’s area with magical darkness until the start of your next turn.
You may fill Gravity Well’s area with magical darkness for its duration.
Previous: Wormhole