Courses / AR / Spellcraft 1: Introductory Spellcraft

Spellcraft 1: Introductory Spellcraft

AR 100
Required For:
Qualifies For:
Study DC:

Spellcraft Training


Bonus to pass tests of skill to:
Identify spells or enchantments. Research, alter, or invent spells. Understand arcane magics and spellcasting. Decipher the meaning of runes and glyphs. Apply the principles of magic. Sense the presence

This bonus to tests of skill is a training bonus.
If you have more than one training bonus which applies to the same roll, use the best one.

Example DCs:
Identify a spell that you know as it is being cast: Automatic
Identify an ordinary spell as it is being cast: DC 15
Identify an obscure spell as it is being cast: DC 20
Identify the magical properties of an item: DC 15 (Harder than Artifice)
Detect overwhelming magic in your immediate vicinity: Automatic
Detect massive quantities of magic: DC 5
Detect ordinary quantities of magic, such as those from a normal enchantment: DC 15
Detect traces of magic: DC 20
Detect faint traces of magic: DC 30
Decipher simple glyphs: DC 15
Decipher complex glyphs: DC 20

Altering Spells:
Doubling the area of an area spell you cast by halving its damage is DC 10.
Protecting one target from the effects of an area spell you cast is DC 15.
Changing the element of a spell you cast is DC 20.
Making a single target spell you cast affect an extra target requires a critical success.

Tags: Skill, Training

Intricate Spell Training


You get:
+1 to the DC to Counterspell or Dispel your spells
+1 to tests of Dispel
+1 to tests of Counterspell

“I expect comprehending the rudiments of spellcraft is beyond the capacity of most of you.” - Xanadar Bosh, former introductory spellcraft professor

Name Effort Requires Description
Skill 1 10 +1 to Spellcraft
You can use spellcraft tools.
Skill 2 10 Skill 1 +2 to Spellcraft
Skill 3 15 Skill 2 +3 to Spellcraft
Your spellcraft tools cost you no weight to carry.
Intricate Spell Training 0 Skill 3 +1 to the DC to counter or dispel your spells
+1 to Dispel
+1 to Counterspell