Courses / AR / Fast Friends
Fast Friends
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
AR 225B
Fast Friends Passive
Your little buddies move faster and are more mobile.
“Vhat is the soap for? Vhy, some of you have not vashed your buddies since you first learned to make them. That simply vill not … slide ... in this class. Ah!” - Eazam Kaluvida
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
Speed +5 | 5 | Speed +5 ft. +1 effort on extended tests of Agility. |
Speed +10 | 5 | Speed +5 | Speed +10 ft. +2 effort on extended tests of Agility. |
Speed +15 | 5 | Speed +10 | Speed +15 ft. +3 effort on extended tests of Agility. |
Speed +20 | 5 | Speed +15 | Speed +20 ft. +4 effort on extended tests of Agility. |
Speed +25 | 5 | Speed +20 | Speed +25 ft. +5 effort on extended tests of Agility. |
Speed +30 | 5 | Speed +25 | Speed +30 ft. +6 effort on extended tests of Agility. |
Pass | 5 | Little buddies are unaffected by difficult terrain. Little buddies may move through spaces occupied by enemies at full speed. |
Agile | 0 | Speed +5 | Little buddies have advantage on tests of Agility. |
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