Courses / AR / Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder

Qualifies For:
Study DC:
AR 325B

Cannon Fodder Ability

Reactions are abilities that can be used in response to some triggering event, even if it is not your turn.
When you or an ally would be hit
You or the ally is adjacent to one of your little buddies
Once per hit for each buddy or titan

You may try to have one of your little buddies or your Friendship Titan take a hit for an ally that is adjacent to them.
If they roll higher than or tie the attack’s roll to hit with a test of Agility, your buddy or titan takes the hit instead.
Your little buddies or titan get a sizable bonus on this test.

Each buddy can only use this ability once per hit.
A titan can only use this ability once per hit.

(You are an ally of your buddies, and may use this ability to protect yourself).

Tags: Trigger, Reaction, Summon, Redirect, Attack

“Vell, better a buddy than you. Ah! For those ov you who feel guilty, I also teach Rushed Repair.” - Eazam Kaluvida

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 10 +0 to test of Agility to intercept
Intercept +5 5 Unlock +5 to test of Agility to intercept
Intercept +10 5 Intercept +5 +10 to test of Agility to intercept
Intercept +15 5 Intercept +10 +15 to test of Agility to intercept
Intercept +20 5 Intercept +15 +20 to test of Agility to intercept
Intercept +25 5 Intercept +20 +25 to test of Agility to intercept