Courses / AR / Bind


AR 440
Qualifies For:
Study DC:


Range:sight (twincastable)
Health (reflex) save negates, test at end of turn ends
Until the creature escapes

Chains (or other bindings) connected to the nearest solid objects materialize and try to bind the targets.
Incorporeal creatures are not affected by this spell.

Each target gets a health (reflex) save.

If the target passes its save, it may move or act, but not both, during its next turn.
If the target gets multiple actions per turn and chooses to move, it only loses one action instead.

If the target fails its save, it is restrained and disabled.
Creatures restrained by this spell are anchored in place and cannot be moved from their space.

You are immobilized.
You have disadvantage on rolls to hit.
You are off guard (rolls to hit you have advantage).

At the end of each of its turns, the target gets to try a DC 12 test of Strength, Spellcraft, Artifice, or Roguery to free themselves from this spell.

An adjacent ally may spend their action to try their own DC 12 test of Strength, Spellcraft, Artifice, or Roguery to end this spell’s effects on the target.

If the target gets multiple actions per turn,
it may spend an action to try a DC 12 test of Strength, Spellcraft, Artifice, or Roguery to end this spell’s effects on themselves.

The chains can be destroyed, but it is not easy.
The chains have 10 AC, 100 HP, resist physical damage and take 5 less physical damage, and are immune to psychic and poison damage.

You can end this spell as a fast action (if for some reason you want to).

Suggested Backfire: You cast Bind on yourself instead of your intended targets.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Area, Enchantment, Health, Save, Debuff, Restrain, Disable, Splittable

“You’ve earned yourself a one way ticket to the detention dimension!” - Xanadar Bosh

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 10 You can cast Bind
DC 7
DC +2 5 Unlock DC 9
DC +4 5 DC +2 DC 11
DC +6 5 DC +4 DC 13
DC +8 5 DC +6 DC 15
DC +10 5 DC +8 DC 17
Twincast 0 Unlock You can cast Bind targeting two targets in range, at a -5 DC penalty.
Extra Credit
Silver Bonds
Effort: 5
Requires: Unlock
Your Bind affects incorporeal creatures.
Next: Banish