Courses / AR / Terrify


AR 350
Qualifies For:
Study DC:


Ranged:sight (or all enemies within sight at a -5 DC penalty)
Delayed social save at start of turn reduces
Until the start of the target’s next turn after the save

This spell has no effect until the start of the target’s turn.
Target gets a social save against this curse at the start of its turn.

If the target fails its save, it becomes terrified of you until the start of its next turn.

If the target passes its save, it has disadvantage on rolls to hit and tests of skill until the start of its next turn. If it is immune to fear, it is unaffected.

You can end this curse as a fast action.

Suggested Backfire: Monsters within a one mile radius feel drawn toward you for one day. You have disadvantage on all tests of stealth, and combat encounters are more common.

You have disadvantage on rolls to hit,
you have disadvantage on tests of skill,
you must spend your action to dash unless you cannot flee,
and must move as far away as possible from the thing you are terrified of.
If you cannot flee, you must spend your action to try to escape
(ex: struggle to escape restraints, tumble past an obstacle, or push an obstruction aside).

Tags: Spellburn, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Social, Save, Debuff, Fear, Terror, Mental, Emotion, Splittable

“Boo!” ”Aah!”

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 15 You can cast Terrify
DC 7
DC +2 5 Unlock DC 9
DC +4 5 DC +2 DC 11
DC +6 5 DC +4 DC 13
DC +8 5 DC +6 DC 15
Mass Terror 0 Unlock You may cast this spell targeting all enemies in range at a -5 DC penalty.
Extra Credit
Grim Totem
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
You may spend ten minutes casting this spell to create a scary enchanted totem instead of this spell having its normal effect. Any creatures, except for those you choose to exclude, which come within 60 ft. of the totem must pass a social save, or become terrified of the totem until they begin their turn more than 60 ft. from it. When a creature makes physical contact with the totem, the magic which makes it scary ends.
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