Courses / AR / Fear Me

Fear Me

AR 151
Required For:
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Ranged:sight (can be cast on all enemies in range at a -5 DC penalty)
Social save reduces, social save at end of turn ends

The target gets a social save against this curse.

If the target fails its save, it becomes afraid of you until it passes its save to end this curse.
The target gets a social save at the end of each of its turns to end this curse.

If the target passes its save, it has disadvantage on rolls to hit and tests of skill until the end of its next turn. If it is immune to fear, it is unaffected.

Critical Fail:
The target is also terrified.

This curse breaks if you are defeated.
You can end this curse as a fast action.

Suggested Backfire: Monsters within a one mile radius feel drawn toward you for one day. You have disadvantage on all tests of stealth, and combat encounters are more common.

You have disadvantage on rolls to hit,
you have disadvantage on tests of skill,
and you cannot move closer to things you are afraid of.

An enemy that is afraid of you is not required to flee in terror from you (as it would if it was terrified of you), but it may.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Ranged, Enchantment, Curse, Social, Save, Debuff, Fear, Mental, Emotion, Splittable

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 10 You can cast Fear Me
DC 7
DC +2 5 Unlock DC 9
DC +4 5 DC +2 DC 11
DC +6 5 DC +4 DC 13
DC +8 5 DC +6 DC 15
DC +9 5 DC +8 DC 16
Mass Fear 0 Unlock You may cast this spell targeting all enemies in range at a -5 DC penalty.
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