Courses / CM / Presence 4: Leadership Masterclass

Presence 4: Leadership Masterclass

Qualifies For:
Command (Partially)
Study DC:
CM 400

Presence Mastery Skill

Bonus to pass and extra effort on tests of Presence.

This bonus to tests of skill is a mastery bonus.
If you have more than one mastery bonus which applies to the same roll, use the best one.

You become possessed of a particularly powerful presence.

Tags: Skill, Mastery

Reliable (Presence) Passive

Instead of rolling, you may take 10 on any test of Presence that you do not have disadvantage on.

Leadership Passive

Allies within 30 ft. of you have advantage on saves against fear and terror.

Name Effort Requires Description
Skill 1 5 +1 to Presence
Skill 2 5 Skill 1 +2 to Presence
Skill 3 5 Skill 2 +3 to Presence
Effort 1 5 Effort +1 for Presence
Reliable 10 Skill 3 You can use Reliable (Presence)
Leadership 5 Allies within 30 ft. of you have advantage on saves against fear and terror.
Extra Credit
Effort: 30
Requires: Mastery
Allies within 30 ft. of you have advantage on saves against being charmed or compelled.
Don’t Give Up
Effort: 30
Requires: Mastery
Once per long rest, if an ally would drop to 0 HP, you may cause them to stay at 1 HP as a reaction.
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