Courses / CS / Seeking 1

Seeking 1

Required For:
Study DC:
CS 101

Seeking Training Skill

Bonus to pass and extra effort on rolls to:
Find hidden stuff, spot ambushes, track creatures, and notice things.

This bonus to tests of skill is a training bonus.
If you have more than one training bonus which applies to the same roll, use the best one.

Taught in collaboration with the roguery classes.

Whenever any creature tries to hide, all their enemies get to try a contest of Seeking against their test of Roguery to stop them from becoming hidden.

As an action, you may try to find hidden enemies or objects.
Roll a contest of your seeking against a test of roguery for each hidden enemy. Every enemy whose roguery roll is beat by your seeking roll is revealed to you, and they stop being hidden. If you tie, the creature with the larger bonus to their skill wins. Hidden objects will typically have a fixed DC, which if you tie or beat with a test of seeking, reveals them to you.

Normally, hidden enemies or objects are automatically revealed and stop being hidden the instant they stop being at least partially concealed. This happens without requiring anyone to spend an action seeking them. However, for certain enemies highly skilled at hiding, this may not be the case.

Tags: Skill, Training

Name Effort Requires Description
Skill 1 10 +1 to Seek
You can use seeking tools.
Skill 2 10 Skill 1 +2 to Seek
Skill 3 15 Skill 2 +3 to Seek
Your seeking tools cost you no weight to carry.
Extra Credit
Effort: 2
Requires: Skill 1
The first time you roll a 1 on an initiative roll, reroll it.
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