Courses / CS / Poisons 1

Poisons 1

Required For:
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
CS 103

Poison Training Skill

Bonus to pass and extra effort on rolls to:
Identify, safely apply, harvest, process, or create poisons. Identify poisoning. Determine which parts of monsters and plants are poisonous and which are not.

This bonus to tests of skill is a training bonus.
If you have more than one training bonus which applies to the same roll, use the best one.

You can harvest poisons from a dead poisonous monster, and can harvest certain poisons from an incapacitated or compliant monster.
The DC to harvest one vial of a poison from a poisonous monster is the same as the DC to craft it.

Tags: Skill, (Crafting Focus), Training

Free Vials Passive

You keep a supply of poisons at the ready.

At the start of every adventure, you get a number of unstable Poison Vials (B).
Any of these vials which are unused by the end of the adventure turn into water.

You may use a Poison Vial to choose and use any poison of the same or a lower grade than the vial from the poison list.
(Essentially, you go into every situation with some amount of poisons prepared, and you retroactively decide what was in each vial as the need arises.)

Tags: Item

“If you are overly concerned with your own safety, this course is not for you.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Skill 1 10 +1 to Poison (the skill, not Poison DCs or Poison damage)
You can use poison tools.
Skill 2 10 Skill 1 +2 to Poison
Skill 3 15 Skill 2 +3 to Poison
Your poison tools cost you no weight to carry.
(Vials of poison still take up weight as normal).
Free Vial 1 0 Skill 1 You get 1 unstable Poison Vial (B) at the start of each adventure.
Free Vials 2 0 Skill 2 You get +1 unstable Poison Vial (B) at the start of each adventure.
Free Vials 3 0 Skill 3 You get +1 unstable Poison Vial (B) at the start of each adventure.
Extra Credit
Effort: 10
Requires: Mastery
+1 to saves against poison.
Previous: Seeking 1