Courses / MA / Ranged Weapon Training

Ranged Weapon Training

Required For:
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
MA 112

Ranged Weapon Training Passive

You gain a bonus to hit with ranged weapons.
This is a training bonus.
If you have more than one training bonus which applies to the same roll, use the best one.

Ranged weapons do less damage than melee weapons, and rolls to hit with them have disadvantage while you are engaged, but they have range.
Ranged weapons have a short and maximum range. You may attack out to their short range normally, or out to their maximum range with disadvantage. You cannot attack beyond their maximum range.
The normal short range is 60 ft. and the normal maximum range is 200 ft.
Light ranged weapons usually have a short range of 30 ft., and a maximum range of 100 ft.
Heavy ranged weapons usually have a short range of 100 ft. and a maximum range of 300 ft.

One handed light ranged weapons deal 1d4 damage.
Two handed ranged weapons deal 1d6 damage.
Heavy ranged weapons deal 1d8 damage.
Heavy ranged weapons which need to be reloaded after every shot, which takes your move action or action, deal 1d12 damage.

You get a free C grade, 0 effort weapon when you take this course.

Weapon Skill:
Your bonus to hit with a weapon represents your skill with that weapon.
You may roll to hit with your ranged weapon instead of rolling a test of skill chiefly concerned with using your ranged weapon effectively.
Bonuses to hit apply to tests of weapon skill, but bonuses to tests of skill do not.
(ex: You can use your Weapon Skill instead of Expression on a test of skill to show off with your ranged weapon.)

Tags: Hit, Weapon Training

“Rain death from afar. Escape battles untouched.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Hit +1 7 +1 to hit with all ranged weapons
Hit +2 7 Hit +1 +2 to hit with all ranged weapons
Hit +3 7 Hit +2 +3 to hit with all ranged weapons
Hit +4 7 Hit +3 +4 to hit with all ranged weapons
Hit +5 7 Hit +4 +5 to hit with all ranged weapons