Courses / MA / Shoving Strike

Shoving Strike

MA 132
Study DC:

Shoving Strike

You can push, pull, or trip creatures with your attacks.
Without this ability, you may try to push, pull, or trip a creature as an action.

Trip Strike


When you hit with a melee weapon
1 stamina
Contest of skill

Try a contest of Strength, Roguery, or Weapon Skill against the target’s Strength or Agility to trip the target.
Weapon Skill: Roll to hit instead of rolling a test of skill.
When you use this technique on a Heavy Attack, you may spend 1 more stamina for advantage on this contest of skill.

If you win, you trip the target and it falls prone.

You cannot also use techniques other than Shove Strike with this attack.

Your melee attacks have disadvantage.
You are off guard against melee attacks (melee attacks against you have advantage).
Ranged attacks against you have disadvantage.
Every 5 ft. you move costs an extra 5 ft. of movement.
If you can move, you may spend movement equal to half your speed to stand up.
Dashing only gives you half as much movement on the turn you stand up.

Prone and Flying:
A prone creature which is flying is immobilized, unless it has the ability to float.
An immobilized flying creature begins falling, unless it has the ability to float.
A flying creature may spend an action while falling to end the prone condition (and accompanying immobilization and falling), if it is not also immobilized for another reason.

Tags: Melee, Hit, Technique, Trip, Prone

Shove Strike


When you hit with a melee weapon
1 stamina
Contest of strength, Health save reduces mortally hazardous moves

Try a contest of Strength or Weapon Skill against the target’s Strength to push or pull the target.
Weapon Skill: Roll to hit instead of rolling a test of skill.
When you use this technique on a Heavy Attack, you may spend 1 more stamina for advantage on this contest of skill.

If you win, you pull the target 5 ft.,
or push the target 5 ft., or up to 10 ft. if you hit them with a heavy weapon.
For every size bigger than you the target is, it is pushed 5 ft. less.
For every size you are bigger than the target, you may push it an additional 5 ft.
(Sizes: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Giant)

The DC is 12 for the health save to avoid being moved into a mortal hazard by this ability.

Hammer and Anvil:
If you push the target into a solid object, they stop and
you deal +2 extra damage per 5 ft. left of that push.
(ex: If you push a target 5 ft. into a castle wall adjacent to them, you deal +2 damage.)

You cannot also use techniques other than Trip Strike with this attack.

Push and Pull:
If you try to move a creature into a mortal hazard which would instantly or imminently kill it, such as off a cliff, it gets a health save to avoid being moved into that hazard, but is still moved as far as safely possible.
Being pushed or pulled does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Tags: Melee, Hit, Technique, Push



When you use Shove Strike
Up to 2 stamina

When you use Shove Strike,
you may spend up to 2 more stamina to add 5 ft.,
or up to 10 ft. if you hit the target with a heavy weapon,
to the distance the target will be pushed for each stamina spent.

Tags: Stamina, Push

Push Back


You may oppose contests of skill to push you with your Weapon Skill.
Weapon Skill: Roll to hit instead of rolling a test of skill.

Tags: Push

“Back off.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Trip Strike 15 You can use Trip Strike
Shove Strike 15 You can use Shove Strike
You can use Push Back
Slapshot 5 Shove Strike You can use Slapshot
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