Courses / MA / Sunder


MA 134
Study DC:

Break Armor


When you hit with a melee weapon
1 stamina
Until the affected armor or shield is repaired

Deal 1 armor damage to the target’s armor or shield.

Heavy Melee Weapons:
When you Break Armor with a Heavy melee weapon, you may spend 1 more stamina to deal 1 more armor damage.

Heavy Attacks:
When you Break Armor with a Heavy Attack with a Heavy melee weapon, you may spend 2 more stamina to deal 2 more armor damage (for a total of 4).

Armor Damage:
Each point of armor damage reduces armor or a shield’s AC bonus and physical damage reduction by 1.

This cannot reduce the AC bonus of that armor or shield below +0.
This cannot reduce the physical damage reduction of that armor or shield below 0.
Indestructible gear cannot take armor damage.
Incorporeal targets cannot take armor damage.
(This does not work on spells such as Mage Armor, Stone Skin, Spirit Armor, Ward, etc.)
When used on a monster, armor damage can reduce it to 10 AC, not counting AC bonuses from spells or other abilities.

Hits with this technique make twice as much progress toward breaking breakable monster parts.
Hits with this technique deal twice as much damage (or make twice as much progress towards breaking, as appropriate) to objects that are not creatures, such as boulders, chains, and gates.

You cannot use other techniques with this attack.

Tags: Melee, Hit, Technique, Debuff, AC, Armor, DR

Break Weapon


When you hit with a melee weapon
1 stamina
Until the affected weapon is repaired

Choose a weapon wielded by the target.
That weapon gets a -1 penalty to hit,
and deals 1 less physical damage or 2 less physical damage instead if it is Heavy.
This penalty does not stack.

Penalties from this ability do not apply to indestructible items.
Penalties from this ability do not apply to incorporeal creatures or items.

This ability can be used on unarmed or natural weapons (ex: a wyvern’s fangs).
Hits with this technique make twice as much progress toward breaking breakable monster parts.

You cannot use other techniques with this attack.

Tags: Melee, Hit, Technique, Debuff, Hit, Damage

“The simplest way to kill an armored enemy is to kill their armor first.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Break Armor 20 You can use Break Armor
Break Weapon 15 You can use Break Weapon
Extra Credit
Degrade Armor
Effort: 10
Requires: Mastery, Restricted
When you use Break Armor on armor or a shield which has already been fully armor broken (its AC bonus and physical damage reduction are 0), you may nullify one positive modification on that armor or shield until it is repaired.
Shatter Magic
Effort: 8
Requires: Mastery, Restricted
Sunder’s armor damage can apply to AC or physical damage reduction buffs from spells.
If it reduces these buffs to +0, they are dispelled.
Degrade Weapon
Effort: 10
Requires: Mastery, Restricted
When you use Break Weapon on a weapon already affected by Break Weapon, you may nullify one positive modification on that weapon until it is repaired.
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