Courses / BI / Stone Skin

Stone Skin

Qualifies For:
Study DC:
BI 118

Stone Skin Spell

Buffs make their targets better at something.
-1d10 Control
Until you rest

Your skin becomes hard as stone.
You take less physical damage and you become heavy.

You have advantage on saves and tests of skill against being pushed, pulled, or tripped.
-5 ft. to the distance you are pushed or pulled.
For the purposes of grabbing and being grabbed, you are treated as a creature one size larger.
(medium -> large -> huge -> giant)

(Being heavy does not make your weapon a Heavy weapon)

Stone Skin is an alternative to armor.
Use the larger of Stone Skin’s physical damage reduction,
or the physical damage reduction from your armor.

(This spell can replace and be better than damage reducing armor, but pairing it with good armor can confer a lesser, or potentially even no benefit.)

In the unlikely event you reduce the damage of a hit to 0 using this ability, the hit becomes a miss.
(You do not take any ongoing damage from that hit, or suffer other on hit effects from it.)
(Reducing the damage from failing a save to 0 does not protect you from any other effects of failing that save.)

You can end this spell as a fast action.

A target can only benefit from one Stone Skin spell at a time.

Tags: Action, Spell, Self, Enchantment, Buff, Physical, Mobility, Push, Pull, Drag, Grab, Armor, Earth

Name Effort Requires Description
Armor 1 20 You can cast Stone Skin.
You become heavy
-1 physical damage taken
Armor 2 15 Armor 1 -2 physical damage taken
Extra Credit
Armor 3
Effort: 2
Requires: Armor 2, Sophomore+
-3 physical damage taken
Armor 4
Effort: 2
Requires: Armor 3, Junior+
-4 physical damage taken
Armor 5
Effort: 2
Requires: Armor 4, Senior+
-5 physical damage taken
Previous: Bark Skin