Courses / MA / Marine Style

Marine Style

MA 158
Qualifies For:
Study DC:


You learn how to fight effectively in water, aboard ships, and how to fight in the light armor favored by sailors.

Tags: Passive, AC, Hit, Mobility, Push, Pull, Drag, Climb, Swim, Trip

Name Effort Requires Description
Light Armor Mastery 10 While wearing light or no armor, whenever you are attacked you may gain Armor AC +1 against that attack as a reaction.
Swim 5 Swimming does not cost you extra movement.
You have advantage on tests of skill to swim.
+2d4 effort on extended tests of skill to swim.
Rig Climber 5 Climbing does not cost you extra movement.
You have advantage on tests of skill to climb.
+2d4 effort on extended tests of skill to climb.
Boarding Action 5 You have advantage on tests of skill to jump.
You get +5 on tests of skill to jump.
Sea Legs 5 Standing up from being prone only costs you 5 ft. of movement.
You have advantage on saves, tests of skill, and contests of skill to avoid being tripped or knocked prone.
Sail Cutter 0 Rig Climber When you would be pushed, pulled, or dragged, you may stab a melee weapon into a surface as a reaction to reduce how far you are moved by 15 ft.
Underwater Combat 5 Using a melee weapon in water or underwater does not give your roll to hit with that weapon disadvantage.
Hit the Deck! 0 Light Armor Mastery When you would be hit by a ranged attack, you may dive prone as a reaction, giving that attack disadvantage, and potentially causing it to miss.
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