Courses / MA / Fighting Blind

Fighting Blind

Qualifies For:
Study DC:
MA 159

Fighting Blind

You spend the entirety of this class blindfolded, and learn to fight without sight.

Fighting Blind Passive

You have 5 ft. of shapesense while you can hear.

Additionally, while you can hear, being unable to see your attacker does not cause you to be off guard against their attacks (they do not get advantage on rolls to hit you), even if they are outside your shapesense range.

(You can “see” the shape of objects within your shapesense range.
You do not have disadvantage on rolls to hit enemies you cannot see with your eyes within your shapesense range,
and you are not off guard against enemies within your shapesense range because you cannot see them with your eyes (they do not get advantage on rolls to hit you).)
(If you dash while you cannot see but you can still hear, you do not have to pass a health save to avoid tripping.)

Tags: Style, Blind, Shapesense

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 35 You can use Fighting Blind
Previous: Marine Style