Courses / MA / Drop Shot

Drop Shot

Study DC:
MA 440

Drop Shot Technique

When you hit with a ranged weapon
1 stamina
Health save negates

If the target fails its health save, it is knocked prone.
If the target was flying, this immobilizes it and causes it to fall unless it has the ability to float.
When you use this technique on a Heavy Attack, you may spend 1 more stamina to increase the save DC by 5.

You cannot use other techniques with this attack.

Your melee attacks have disadvantage.
You are off guard against melee attacks (melee attacks against you have advantage).
Ranged attacks against you have disadvantage.
Every 5 ft. you move costs an extra 5 ft. of movement.
If you can move, you may spend movement equal to half your speed to stand up.
Dashing only gives you half as much movement on the turn you stand up.

Prone and Flying:
A prone creature which is flying is immobilized, unless it has the ability to float.
An immobilized flying creature begins falling, unless it has the ability to float.
A flying creature may spend an action while falling to end the prone condition (and accompanying immobilization and falling), if it is not also immobilized for another reason.

A creature falls up to 500 ft. per round, at the end of its turn.
At the end of a fall of 10 ft. or more, a creature takes 1 blunt damage for every foot that it fell, up to a limit of 500 damage.
A creature which takes 100 or more damage from a fall may instantly die at the Headmaster’s discretion.
A soft landing area or other mitigating factors may reduce this damage.

Tags: Ranged, Hit, Technique, Health, Save, Prone

“Shoot ‘em out of the sky!”

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 20 You can use Drop Shot
DC 7
DC +1 5 Unlock DC 8
DC +2 5 DC +1 DC 9
DC +3 5 DC +2 DC 10