Courses / TH / Break Curse

Break Curse

TH 122
Study DC:

Take Curse


Ranged: sight
1 SP

Remove a curse from the target by taking it upon yourself and suffering its effects.

Tags: Action, Spell, Ranged, Status Heal, Curse

Break Curse


Ranged: sight
1 SP

Break any curse which is level 4 or below.
If you fail to break a curse using this spell, nothing bad happens.

If the curse is level 5 or above, it may be impossible to simply break with this spell.
If it is possible to break a powerful curse using Break Curse, try to break it by rolling a test of Curse Breaking with a +10 bonus against the DC to break the curse (minimum DC 20). If you roll a 1, reroll.

For any curse you fail to break with Break Curse, the words of the curse become clear to you. You learn what must be done to break the curse, and any ways specific to that curse which will make breaking it easier.

Powerful curses traditionally have a way of escaping them which is poetically ironic, or requires rare items, particular celestial timing, or the destruction of cursed artifacts or creatures which anchor the curse.
Simply killing the caster sometimes works, but if they can cast powerful curses, they could probably put a blood curse on you with their dying breath, and, as everyone knows, you can’t get rid of those by killing the caster.

Generally, casting this spell is only one step in the process of removing a permanent curse from an item. Casting this spell on someone bound to a cursed item will unbind them from it and allow them to remove it, unless the curse is especially potent.

Tags: Action, Spell, Ranged, Status Heal, Curse

“Black magic will not prevail where there is white magic.”

Name Effort Requires Description
Take Curse 10 You can cast Take Curse.
Break Curse 15 Take Curse You can cast Break Curse.
Break Curses 10 Break Curse When you cast Break Curse, break every curse on the target which is level 4 or below.
Extra Credit
Effort: 10
Requires: Mastery
You have +1 to saves against curses.
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