Courses / TH / Higher Purpose

Higher Purpose

Qualifies For:
Study DC:
TH 237

Higher Purpose Spell

Casting a subtle spell while hidden also hides that you are casting it, and does not cause you to become unhidden.
When you cast a subtle spell while you are not hidden, you cant try to hide that you are casting it with a contest of Spellcraft or Roguery against the Seeking of creatures observing you.
Only observers that win notice you are casting a spell. However, once the spell is cast, its effects may be noticed.
When you pass an extended test of skill
1 SP
Once per passed test

Add effort to an extended test of skill which you passed.

You may use this ability for free once. Once you do, you cannot do so again until you rest.

Casting this spell while hidden also hides that you are casting it, and does not cause you to become unhidden.
When you cast this spell while you are not hidden, you can try to hide that you are casting it with a contest of Spellcraft or Roguery against the Seeking of creatures observing you. Only observers that win notice you are casting a spell. However, once the spell is cast, its effects may be noticed.

Tags: Trigger, Self, Spell, Effort, Subtle

“It’s for a good cause!”

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 15 +1d4 effort on an extended test of skill
Effort 20 Unlock +2d4 effort on an extended test of skill
Extra Credit
Time of Need
Effort: 25
Requires: Unlock
You may use this ability on an ally when they pass an extended test of skill.
You cannot use this on an ally’s downtime roll (ex: projects, research, crafting, shopping).
Effort: 75
Requires: Time of Need
Once per week, you may use this ability on an ally when they pass an extended test of skill for a downtime activity.
Effort: 50
Requires: Aid
You may use this ability on an ally when they pass an extended test of skill for a downtime activity.
Previous: Thorns