Courses / TH / Healing 4: Radical Treatments

Healing 4: Radical Treatments

Study DC:
TH 400

Healing Mastery Skill

Bonus to pass and extra effort on tests of your Healing skill.

This bonus to tests of skill is a mastery bonus.
If you have more than one mastery bonus which applies to the same roll, use the best one.

Tags: Skill, Mastery

Reliable (Healing) Passive

Instead of rolling, you may take 10 on any test of Healing that you do not have disadvantage on.

Powerful Curative Passive

At the start of every adventure you get one unstable Healing Vial (SS).
If it is not used by the end of the adventure, it turns into water.

Tags: Item

Emergency Stash Ability

Once per encounter

You may use a medical kit without rolling supply.

Tags: Item

Name Effort Requires Description
Skill 1 5 +1 to Healing
Skill 2 5 Skill 1 +2 to Healing
Skill 3 5 Skill 2 +3 to Healing
Effort 1 5 Effort +1 for Healing
Reliable 10 Skill 3 You can use Reliable (Healing)
Powerful Curative 5 Skill 3 You get a Powerful Curative at the start of each adventure.
Emergency Stash 0 Skill 3, Effort 1 You can use Emergency Stash
Extra Credit
Master Healer
Effort: 10
Requires: Mastery
You may take a -10 penalty on a test of Healing to gain +5 effort if you pass. Declare before rolling.
Advanced Methods
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
You may use a medical kit as an action to revive a defeated, but not dead, creature with 1 HP.
You may use a medical kit as an action to give the target a save to end paralysis.