Courses / AR / Arcane Uppercut
Arcane Uppercut
Study DC:
AR 211
Arcane Uppercut Spell
When you hit with Arcane Punch
Health save negates being launched
Deal +10 blunt damage with your hit with Arcane Punch.
Then the target must pass a health save, or you may launch them up to 10 ft. up into the air.
If they fall 10 ft. or more, they will normally take 1 fall damage per ft. they fell when they hit the ground.
A creature falls up to 500 ft. per round, at the end of its turn.
At the end of a fall of 10 ft. or more, a creature takes 1 blunt damage for every foot that it fell, up to a limit of 500 damage.
A creature which takes 100 or more damage from a fall may instantly die at the Headmaster’s discretion.
A soft landing area or other mitigating factors may reduce this damage.
Suggested Backfire: You take 10 blunt damage and are launched 10 ft. into the air and up to 30 ft. in a direction of the Headmaster’s choice.
Then the target must pass a health save, or you may launch them up to 10 ft. up into the air.
If they fall 10 ft. or more, they will normally take 1 fall damage per ft. they fell when they hit the ground.
A creature falls up to 500 ft. per round, at the end of its turn.
At the end of a fall of 10 ft. or more, a creature takes 1 blunt damage for every foot that it fell, up to a limit of 500 damage.
A creature which takes 100 or more damage from a fall may instantly die at the Headmaster’s discretion.
A soft landing area or other mitigating factors may reduce this damage.
Suggested Backfire: You take 10 blunt damage and are launched 10 ft. into the air and up to 30 ft. in a direction of the Headmaster’s choice.
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
Unlock | 20 | You can cast Arcane Uppercut. +10 blunt damage DC 11 Launch target up to 10 ft. up into the air. |
DC +2 | 5 | Unlock | DC 13 |
DC +4 | 5 | DC +2 | DC 15 |
DC +7 | 5 | DC +4 | DC 18 |
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