Courses / AR / Arcane Punch

Arcane Punch

Required For:
Qualifies For:
Study DC:
AR 111

Arcane Punch Spell

Blast spells only deal damage.
When you learn this spell, choose an element.
Whenever you cast this spell, it will normally be of the chosen element.
You may try a DC 20 test of Spellcraft to cast this spell with a different element.
Touch or melee weapon
1 target

Pummel an enemy with concentrated arcane energy at close range.
You may cast this spell unarmed, or you may cast this spell using a weapon as a spellcasting implement and apply spell casting bonuses from that weapon.

Roll to hit against the target’s AC,
and deal 1d12+10 elemental damage if you hit.
Intensify: +1d12 elemental damage per boost from Intensify.

Double Scaling:
Double the effect of bonuses to this spell’s damage, except Intensify.

Suggested Backfire: The arcane energies explode in your hands. Attack yourself with Arcane Punch instead of the target.

(Despite the name, this spell receives no benefits from unarmed courses)

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Blast, Melee, Attack, Elemental, Damage, Affinity

Arcane Throw Spell

When you hit with Arcane Punch
Health save prevents being pushed

When you hit with Arcane Punch, you may direct a burst of magical force into the target.

The target must pass a DC 16 health save
or be pushed up to 10 ft. horizontally.
Intensify: Push up to +10 ft. per boost from Intensify on the Arcane Punch.
For every size bigger than you the target is, it is pushed 5 ft. less.
For every size you are bigger than the target, you may push them an extra 5 ft.
(Sizes: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Giant)

You may then teleport adjacent to the target.

(If the target would be pushed into a mortal hazard which would cause it to instantly or imminently die, such as off a cliff, it gets a health save to avoid being moved into that hazard, but is still moved as far as safely possible.
Being pushed does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)

Tags: Spellburn, Spell, Hit, Health, Save, Physical, Damage, Push, Mobility

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 11 You can cast Arcane Punch
+0 to hit (with Arcane Punch)
1d12 +10 elemental damage
Hit +1 3 Unlock +1 to hit
Hit +2 3 Hit +1 +2 to hit
Hit +3 3 Hit +2 +3 to hit
Hit +4 3 Hit +3 +4 to hit
Hit +5 3 Hit +4 +5 to hit
Hit +6 3 Hit +5 +6 to hit
Hit +7 3 Hit +6 +7 to hit
Hit +8 3 Hit +7 +8 to hit
Arcane Throw 0 Unlock You can cast Arcane Throw
Extra Credit
Hit +9
Effort: 0
Requires: Hit +8, Sophomore+
+9 to hit
Hit +10
Effort: 0
Requires: Hit +9, Junior+
+10 to hit
Hit +11
Effort: 0
Requires: Hit +10, Senior+
+11 to hit
Martial Hybrid
Effort: 35
Requires: Mastery
You can use melee and generic techniques in combination with Arcane Punch.
Previous: Arcane Strike