Courses / AR / Arcane Beam

Arcane Beam

AR 215
Qualifies For:
Annihilate (Partially)
Study DC:

Arcane Beam


Line from you
Health (reflex*) save halves

Damage everything in a straight line 60 ft. long originating from you with a blast of arcane power.
Targets that pass a health (reflex) save take half damage.

When you Intensify this spell, you may add +20 ft. to its length per level of Intensification.

You may protect an ally caught in this spell’s area from suffering its effects by passing a DC 15 test of Spellcraft. You may try this for each ally in the spell’s area.
(This only protects them from that one casting of this spell, not all future castings.)

Suggested Backfire: The spell blows up in your face. You take the full damage unless you pass a health save. Noone else is affected.

When you take this class, choose which element your Arcane Beams are.
Whenever you cast this spell, it will normally be of that element.
You can try to cast this spell using a different element, but must pass a DC 20 test of Spellcraft each time to change the element from what it normally is.

*If you cast this spell with the poison or dark element, the save against this spell is a health save.
Otherwise the save against this spell is a health (reflex) save.
Certain abilities interact with health (reflex) saves.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Blast, Melee, Area, Health, Save, Elemental, Damage, Affinity



When you cast Arcane Beam

You overcharge your Arcane Beam spell.
Targets have disadvantage on their saves against your Arcane Beam.
Add up to 60 ft. to your Arcane Beam’s length.
You may make your Arcane Beam up to 10 ft. wide.

Tags: Spellburn, Trigger, Area, Damage

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 25 1d8 elemental damage
60 ft. long line
DC 7
DC +1 1 Unlock DC 8
DC +2 1 DC +1 DC 9
DC +3 1 DC +2 DC 10
DC +4 1 DC +3 DC 11
DC +5 1 DC +4 DC 12
DC +6 1 DC +5 DC 13
DC +7 1 DC +6 DC 14
DC +8 1 DC +7 DC 15
DC +9 1 DC +8 DC 16
DC +10 1 DC +9 DC 17
Overcharge 0 Unlock You can use Overcharge
Extra Credit
Effort: 15
Requires: Mastery
You may bend your Arcane Beam once when it hits a target, sending it off in a different direction with what remains of its range.
Effort: 20
Requires: Ricochet
You can make your Arcane Beam jump from one target to the next, provided you can draw a straight unobstructed line between them.
The total length of the beam’s path is limited to its range.
Chaining your Arcane Beam cannot damage the same target more than once.
It may jump to the same target multiple times, but this does not deal extra damage to them.
Previous: Arcane Cone