Courses / AR / Arcane Darts

Arcane Darts

AR 113
Qualifies For:
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Arcane Darts


Split among one or more targets within range: sight

You fire a barrage of small homing missiles of elemental energy which never miss their target.
This spell always hits and cannot be evaded, deflected, or negotiated with. There is no save.

Roll damage to determine how many darts this spell fires.
Then, you may split that damage among targets within range as you see fit.

(In the interest of expediency, we usually recommend either
sending them all at one target, or evenly distributing them among a number of targets.
Situations may also arise where it is useful to use just one dart to shoot a target.)

Each Arcane dart from this spell does 1 elemental damage.
Increases to damage increase the number of darts fired by this spell, instead of the damage of each dart.

Combine the damage of all arcane darts from the same spell which are targeting the same target, and treat it as one instance of damage.
(Enough arcane darts can overcome damage reduction or damage penalties like Enfeeble).
(Resistance works on Arcane Darts, rather than rounding down to 0 effect many times).
(Triggered defensive abilities only need to be used once to apply to all arcane darts from the same spell).
(Arcane Darts is considered a hit, although it does not roll to hit).

For each level of Intensification, roll another die to determine how many darts are fired by this spell. (The die’s size is the same as you normally roll to determine the number of darts.)

Suggested Backfire: Uncontrolled fire. You damage yourself, and any targets close to you.

When you learn this spell, choose which element your Arcane Darts are.
Whenever you cast this spell, it will normally be of that element.
You can try to cast this spell using a different element, but must pass a DC 20 test of Spellcraft each time to change the element from what it normally is.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Blast, Ranged, Multitarget, Split Target, Elemental, Damage, Affinity, Cantrip, Unavoidable

Arcane Dart Cascade


When you roll the highest possible result on your spellburn die to cast Arcane Darts
Until the end of combat

At the start of each of your turns, you may cast Arcane Darts for free without spending an action.

Tags: Spell, Enchantment, Trigger

Name Effort Requires Description
Unlock 5 You can cast Arcane Darts
1 dart
d4 Darts 5 Unlock 1d4 darts
d6 Darts 5 d4 Darts 1d6 darts
d8 Darts 5 d6 Darts 1d8 darts
d10 Darts 5 d8 Darts 1d10 darts
d12 Darts 5 d10 Darts 1d12 darts
+1 Dart 5 Unlock +1 dart
Cascade 0 Unlock You can use Arcane Dart Cascade
Previous: Arcane Burst