Courses / AR / Mana Burst
Mana Burst
Study DC:
AR 21B
Mana Burst Spell
Until the caster rests
You devote magical power into making your spells more powerful.
Reduce your maximum Spellburn die size by one step.
(d100 -> d20 -> d12 -> d10 -> d8 -> d6 -> d4 -> d2 -> 1)
While you are enchanted by this spell, when you Spellburn to cast a spell,
add one spell damage die to that spell’s damage.
If you Spellburn multiple times to cast a spell, only add one die.
Reduce your maximum Spellburn die size by one step.
(d100 -> d20 -> d12 -> d10 -> d8 -> d6 -> d4 -> d2 -> 1)
While you are enchanted by this spell, when you Spellburn to cast a spell,
add one spell damage die to that spell’s damage.
If you Spellburn multiple times to cast a spell, only add one die.
“What else are you saving it for?”
Name | Effort | Requires | Description |
Unlock | 35 | You can cast Mana Burst |
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