Courses / AR / Read Mind

Read Mind

Study DC:
AR 462

Read Mind Spell

Mental effects affect the mind, and do not affect mindless creatures.
5 ft. (Touch)
1 target
Social save negates

This spell does not affect mindless creatures.

Your eyes glow faintly, and the target feels a tingling sensation in their head.
The target must pass a social save or you are able to penetrate its mind and find the answer to a limited number of questions.

When you read a creature’s mind, the answers to your questions come to you in the form of the creature’s relevant memories, which you may experience or catch glimpses of, as well as their unfiltered impressions.
Time is distorted while you read a creature’s mind, so you can relive multiple lengthy memories in answer to multiple questions all in one action.

Targets that have already had their mind successfully read by the caster have advantage on saves against having their mind read by that caster again for a week.

Going on a fishing expedition in someone’s head, especially going through their personal and private memories, is generally considered invasive and rude.

Because this spell requires you to touch the target, casting this spell while hidden will cause you to become unhidden.

This spell causes the caster’s eyes to glow faintly, and requires the caster to touch the target.
Other than these indicators, there is little indication this spell is being cast. If these tells are addressed, you can try to hide that you are casting Read Mind with a contest of Spellcraft or Roguery against the Seeking of creatures observing you. Only observers that win notice you are casting a spell.

Without knowledge of this spell, the target will not automatically know that their mind has been read.
The target will not know what questions you asked (unless they are a specialist in mind-reading magic).

Suggested Backfire: The target learns something about you. Maybe even something personal or secret.

Advanced students of this ability can also modify the memories of the target.
It requires a DC 30 test of Spellcraft to detect the traces of a memory modifying enchantment.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Melee, Social, Save, Utility, Mental

Amnesia Spell

Mental effects affect the mind, and do not affect mindless creatures.
5 ft. (Touch)
1 target
Academic save negates

This spell does not affect mindless creatures.

Your eyes glow faintly, and the target feels a tingling sensation in their head.
The target gets a DC 16 academic save to avoid being affected by this spell.

You selectively erase the target’s memory of events within a certain timeframe, by putting a permanent memory-altering enchantment on them.
You choose which events or details within this period you want them to forget.

Choose an anchoring event or time around which to erase memories, such as “now”, “when you arrived at the meeting”, “a minute before the explosion”, or “at the start of your shift”.
If the memories of the anchoring event lie outside of the timeframe the spell can affect, or do not exist, you know and may adjust your anchoring event.

Once you choose an anchoring event, you can skim through the target’s memories around that event, reliving them at super speed, searching for and slowing down for points of interest, to choose what to delete and when your deletions will begin and end.
(Around that event here meaning within the maximum amount of time you are allowed to delete from the anchoring event. Ex: If you can delete up to a day of memories from within the last year, you can fast forward from a day before the anchoring event to a day after it.)
(If you know specifically what memory you are looking for, you will most likely find it. If you are going fishing in the rapids of someone’s memories, you’re more likely to miss things.)

You may selectively delete memories or details from memories which occurred around the time of that event that all fit within the window of time you are allowed to delete.

If this enchantment is dispelled, the creature regains their real memory of these events.
This enchantment is not temporarily suppressed by failed dispel attempts.
A DC 30 test of spellcraft can detect the traces of a memory modifying enchantment.
Mundane methods such as interrogation may be more reliable.

Amnesia is subtle except for the same tells as Read Mind, with the key difference that if the target fails their save, the caster can erase the target’s memory of the spell being cast or specific things about it being cast, retroactively hiding it from the target. However, this does not affect outside observers.

Suggested Backfire:
Fry Amnesia.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Melee, Academic, Save, Utility, Mental

Lies Spell


Mental effects affect the mind, and do not affect mindless creatures.
5 ft. (Touch)
1 target
Academic save negates

This spell does not affect mindless creatures.

Your eyes glow faintly, and the target feels a tingling sensation in their head.
The target gets a DC 16 academic save to avoid being affected by this spell.

Alter the target’s memories of events that occurred within a certain timeframe, by placing a permanent memory altering enchantment on them.

You may locate the memories to edit by describing an anchoring event such as “when you woke up this morning”, “during your last meeting with your boss”, or “one minute ago”.
If the memory you are trying to edit lies outside the timeframe this spell can affect, or does not exist, you know and may choose a different anchoring event.
Once you choose an anchoring event, you may view, or more accurately relive, the memories around it which are within the timeframe this spell can edit, and change any of those memories which all fit within the window of time this spell can edit.

Describe the changes you would like to make to the creature’s memory of these events, which can include changes, removals, or additions. They will recall these events with the changes you described. A memory which does not make sense may be interpreted as a dream.

If this enchantment is dispelled, the creature regains its real memories.
This enchantment is not temporarily suppressed by failed dispel attempts.
A DC 30 test of spellcraft can detect the traces of a memory modifying enchantment.

See Amnesia.

Suggested Backfire:
Fry Lies.

Tags: Spellburn, Action, Spell, Melee, Academic, Save, Utility, Mental

“Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead? Wrong. Dead wrong. You can’t even keep your secrets to yourself. And if you’re dead, well … that’s what Seance is for.” - Vjera Pedakyr

Name Effort Requires Description
Interrogate 1 10 You can cast Read Mind
DC 14
1 question
Interrogate 2 10 Interrogate 1 2 questions
Interrogate 3 10 Interrogate 2 3 questions
Difficult Questions 5 Interrogate 1 DC 16
Extra Credit
Effort: 5
Requires: Interrogate 1
Your mental spells can affect mindless constructs.
Mind Vault
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
You have advantage on saves against having your mind read.
Mind Vault+
Effort: 5
Requires: Mind Vault
You have +5 to saves against having your mind read.
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
If you pass a save against having your mind read, you may take control of the spell instead of negating it.
The caster is unaware that you have passed your save and taken control of the spell, and you can provide false or misleading answers to the questions the mind reading seeks to answer, and even fabricate false memories to that end.
You will also know what questions they asked.
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
When a creature tries to read your mind and fails, you may deal 6d100 non-lethal psychic damage to them.
Effort: 5
Requires: Backlash
When a creature successfully reads your mind, you may deal 3d100 non-lethal psychic damage to them.
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
When a creature fails its save against your Read Mind, Amnesia, or Lies, you can erase their memory of having that spell cast on them, or specific things about having that spell cast on them, by putting a permanent memory-erasing enchantment on them.
They may snap back to reality as if they had been spacing out, or may not notice they lost track of some time if their surroundings did not change much.
If this enchantment is dispelled, the creature regains their real memory of these events.
Erase Memory
Effort: 5
Requires: Tamper
You can cast Amnesia.
Amnesia can erase memories of events within the last minute.
Erase (Hour)
Effort: 5
Requires: Erase Memory
Amnesia can now erase memories of events within the last hour.
Erase (Day)
Effort: 5
Requires: Erase (Hour)
Amnesia can now erase memories of events within the last day.
Erase (Week)
Effort: 5
Requires: Erase (Day)
Amnesia can now erase memories within a 24 hour period that took place within the last week.
Erase (Month)
Effort: 2
Requires: Erase (Week)
Amnesia can now erase memories within a 24 hour period that took place within the last month.
Erase (Year)
Effort: 3
Requires: Erase (Month)
Amnesia can now erase memories within a 24 hour period that took place within the last year.
Erase (Any)
Effort: 5
Requires: Erase (Year)
Amnesia can now erase memories within a 24 hour period that took place at any point in the past.
Total Amnesia
Effort: --
Requires: Restricted, Erase (Any)
You can cast Amnesia with a one minute casting time to erase as much of the target’s biographical memory as you want.
They retain all knowledge of any languages they know, which abilities they have, and the ability to use their abilities.
You only get to relive memories which are central, pivotal, or important to the target when you use this ability, unless you search for them.
Searching the target’s entire memory for a memory takes fifteen minutes. The memories you get to view without searching for them are mostly flashes skimmed from the target’s mind.
Effort: --
Requires: Restricted, Erase Memory
You can cast Lies.
Lies can change memories of events within the last minute.
Lies (Hour)
Effort: 5
Requires: Lies
Lies can now change memories of events within the last hour.
Lies (Day)
Effort: 5
Requires: Lies (Hour)
Lies can now change memories of events within a one hour period that took place within the last day.
Lies (Week)
Effort: 5
Requires: Lies (Day)
Lies can now change memories of events within a one hour period that took place within the last week.
Lies (Month)
Effort: 2
Requires: Lies (Week)
Lies can now change memories of events within a one hour period that took place within the last month.
Lies (Year)
Effort: 3
Requires: Lies (Month)
Lies can now change memories of events within a one hour period that took place within the last year.
Lies (Any)
Effort: 5
Requires: Lies (Year)
Lies can now change memories of events within a one hour period that took place at any point in the target’s past.
Effort: 0
Requires: Erase Memory
You have advantage on tests of Spellcraft to detect memory modifying enchantments.
Subtle Modification
Effort: 5
Requires: Tamper
+5 DC to tests of Spellcraft to detect your memory modifying enchantments.
Memory Corruption
Effort: 5
Requires: Tamper, Restricted
Your memory modifications cannot be dispelled, unless you want them to be dispellable.
They require Essence of Remembrance to remove.
Read and Edit
Effort: 5
Requires: Erase Memory
When you cast Read Mind, you also get to cast Amnesia or Lies for free without spending an action.
Precise Edit
Effort: 5
Requires: Erase Memory
When a creature fails its save against your Read Mind, it has disadvantage on its next save against Amnesia or Lies that you cast during that encounter.
Dream Infiltrator
Effort: 5
Requires: Mastery
Unconscious creatures have disadvantage on saves against your Read Mind, Amnesia, and Lies.
Previous: Seance